Why don't we have access to the extra magazine certs? Engineers get it for goodness sake... and they can throw down ammo for themselves! I can't count the amount of times I've screamed at an engi to drop ammo, only to end up dieing because I was following them around... But I guess that is one surefire way to refill my ammo. Hmm...
Because its not our job to be frontline soldiers. We are Support. We heal the Wounded, Rezz the fallen and if there is noone wounded or dead around you THEN you may add some fire to the fight. Otherwise you should rather pick another class, as your not helping your team. Our speciality isn't in doing damage. You have other classes for that and they get Ammo certs.
Are you kidding? The medic assault rifles are more lethal than the engineer guns.They aren't called for fun Assault rifles. As a medic you fullfill two,roles. Yes you heal the wounded and revive the fallen, but you are also standing right behind the maxes and heavys and deal tons of dmg.
No, i am not. Medics get the longer range weapon so they don't need to be standing right next to maxes and heavy, but behind them in the 2nd row. The Medic also gets a carabine as his standard weapon. The Assault Rifles cost certs and have the longer range for the afore mentioned reasons. You can compare guns in the store, even unlocked ones. There is not much differance between the Engineer weapons and the Medic ones, except the Medic has a longer range. Also, getting the Ammo certs for the weapons does boost the damage of a gun, as soon as you get to the point where people have their first 1000+ cert points the damage differance is quite noticable and is needed when heavy Assaults wear their +25% health nanoweave. You don't want a medic standing in the line of fire as they dishout their wimsical damage. You want that line clear for the guys with the real guns. This is not battlefield. The Medic is a support class not the main attack class.
Medics get Assault Rifles as their default weapons, they can't even equip carbines(unless there's a gamespot exclusive carbine but no idea about that one). AR and Shotguns is what Medics get. Range is irrelevant though when your medgun max range is like 5meters for rez so you're gonna have to be close to the pack if you're going to do your job as a medic. Assault Rifles are basically the best overall infantry weapons, and only Medics get access to them. There's more situation specific weapons(shotguns, heavy weapons, rocket launchers etc) but the AR is basically the best. And the OP was about added magazines certs, so you hold more ammo, so you don't need to find an engineer/hit the sundie as often. Not about ammo types, which Medics have in various ways(high velocity bullets on SABR, soft point on a bunch of guns including most shotguns).
I think it might be a bug that you purple guys dont have it in your suit mod list. I am looking at it on my TR medic and I see it for 150 certs for an additional magazine.
If that is genuinely the case, then I think you should go ahead and post it in the tech support part or report it as a bug in game through the support thing in the menus
The title of this forum section is Combat Medic. Combat medics are the core of any infantry-oriented assault - eg. Biolab. Medics have the best general-purpose mid-range infantry weapons and thanks to the ability to heal self and others, the best class to hold and advance. Heavies are at the tip of the frontline thanks to higher firepower and shield, right behind them you have medics. The self-regenerating health means medics are practically playing a completely different game. Hide behind cover, you're back to 100% combat effective.
Medics with unlimited ammo + constant self heals = king of all hyborea Medic ARs beat carbines cleanly at mid and long ranges.