Why nerf the worst performing MBT?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. ComradeHavoc

    I just don't understand.... the Vanguard is the worst performing of the 3 factions based on current statistics. Everyone (VS) seems to complain(more VS than TR) about the Vanguard shield. Why now? You creatures didn't complain about it before.

    Side notes:
    Maggy is the best perfoming MBT atm

    Vanguard SUCKS at ai, so Vanguards go double AT, and rely on infantry to deal with infantry

    Vanguard is the worst performing MBT, so what will happen when you nerf the ability?

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  2. Pirbi

    I'd rather have the magrider. You don't need a shield when you can just move out of the way.
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  3. Tommyp2006

    Because the shield is flat out frustrating to fight. It's a straight up buff with absolutely no downsides. If we nerf the shield, we can buff the rest of the tank. The point I think most people are trying to make is that the Vanguard relies too heavily on the shield, and the shield pretty much renders flanking maneuvers and surprise attacks useless.
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  4. ComradeHavoc

    How dare you ill run you over with my vanguard, just stand there for an hour...
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  5. Mekeji

    Where are these statistics?

    It seems like when bragging while in game over yell the NC always praise the vanguard but on the forums once someone posts anything about the vanguard it is suddenly the worst of the MBT.

    I can personally deal with vanguards the way they are now. However it is rather odd that the other two faction signature abilities have downsides and the vanguard shield has 0. It is just a straight up boost.
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  6. Kristan


    too obvious
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  7. Pirbi

    Exactly, here is a VS getting killed by a Vanguard:

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  8. Revanmug

    The shield is a bad mechanic. Having a unit balanced around such a hard countering crutch is just plain for the owning and opposing faction.
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  9. Tommyp2006

    from the vehicle forums

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  10. Liberty

    You honestly answered your own question.

    Vanguards have the worst performance because they do often go double AV, and farm less infantry. Thankfully overall performance metrics aren't the only factor used when taking into account balance.

    The Vanguard shield is an outlier when it comes to MBT abilities in that it comes with no downsides and is always useful to the point where it replaces / overlaps other abilities. (When is the last time you ever saw a Vanguard run smoke?) It is similar to pre-nerf ZOE in that if you ever run into a vanguard (that isn't a sub BR-10 with no certs) they will have the shield. When something is so far and above the rest of the choices, the logical step is to bring it in line.
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  11. ComradeHavoc

    Erm I don't know about you but when flanking, I can still get a shot in, if they activate the shield then its gone. Seasoned Vanguard pilots save their shield to escape.
  12. Ronin Oni

    It's "worst performing" only when you only look at Kills.

    It's easily the best AV tank in the game... which is a pretty big deal.

    VS/TR are actually better off pulling dbl AP Lightning's than an AV specced MBT.

    The shield mostly affects it's AV capacity.

    Honestly though, I'd rather see Magburn (Preferably omnidirectional or maybe longer burn time) & Lockdown (Faster transitioning probably, also maybe affect secondary reload speed) buffed a little bit instead of seeing IWIN shield nerfed.

    of course, if they bring Vanguard's AV capacity down a tiny bit, then they should improve it's HEAT & HE vs infantry (and infantry only) as well as improve it's ESAI secondary (tighter CoF so it's better at longer range without increasing it's in close strength)
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  13. Divector

    Worst performing? sure, the most hard hitting p/b MBT, with a natural resistence, more than mag&prow (around +30%) and still have a invensible shield.
    And magburner is not usefull after all: it didn't give you traction for climbing hills, if you'll use to runscape, you'll expose your rear, which result in O-O-O-OHKO!!:eek:
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  14. ComradeHavoc

    Alright what data do you use? Ideas on changes? And the recent widespread complaints? I was here since beta whelp, and this out cry exploded in the last month.
  15. WyrdHarper

    If you count in secondaries, all three are roughly equal, with the Magrider very slightly ahead.

    But I mean clearly all MBT's are supposed to be one person vehicles and the secondary gun is basically a fancy hat, so do carry on with your baseless ranting.

    As for Vanguard shield, they should just change it so the damage mitigated also scales with the investment level, instead of just the timer.
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  16. Mekeji

    Alright, just making sure the whole "worst performance" thing wasn't just normal internet "Hey statistics prove my point but I won't post the source of my claim"

    However it still doesn't change that the ability in of itself needs to have a down side. The TR give up mobility, the VS go suicidal, and the shield should do something. Maybe a damage decrease when the shield is active. Further cementing its role as an escape plan.
  17. SpcFarlen

    Considering they are also changing HA shields... my thread on it got locked :(... I think its more of a push from the devs to make reactionary abilities less of a tide turner.

    I am not in any way saying that the Vanguard shield is an "I win button" but it does leverage some time to where they can either escape or return fire where the other MBTs can not. So its more of an "Oh **** button".

    Though with that being said that might be why its underpreformaning in terms of KDR. I do see a lot of Vanguard drivers getting a bit too rambo because they can pop their shield on. Getting the hard D, as my outfit likes to call it, all to get that one kill only to have themselves get blown up almsot instantly as the shield goes down. I also see this with Scat MAXs too, they charge into a group with no support, get a few kills then get killed themselves. Where as if they actually pushed up with friendly forces and support they may have fared much better.

    A lot of factors go into stats, which is why you should always look at the with a grain of salt. KDR can be shifted by outliers. The BR 1 that has no idea what he doing that gets killed instantly. Or the BR 100 that sits on a ridge with only the turret exposed picking off targets. Both of them move the data points since they are two extremes
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  18. Akeita

    Or reduce damage by percent... That's a nerf too
  19. AltF4Fun

    I dont want any nerfing,just an alternative to anchor powler.I dont want to be forced to play sitting duck with my mbt....
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  20. Maljas23

    Personally think that all three tanks are pretty balanced right now. That shield is actually something that fits very well with NC's faction trait: durability.

    In fact, all three tanks fit their faction traits pretty well. Some will argue that the Prowler's lockdown goes against TR's trait but I disagree. It increases our RoF and velocity by a ton, which is perfect for it.(post nerf) The great thing about Lockdown is that it allows the Prowler to build in two different ways completely. It is totally optional and it does not **** you in anyway if you don't use it. You can easily become a front line skirmisher or a long-range siege tank, all based on the load out you use on it.

    Magrider's Magburn, while boring in my opinion, does fit the mobility faction trait of the VS so it is fine.

    If the Vanguard shield must be nerfed, then just give it a short ramp-up time like what they are doing to HA shields. That way the Vanguard driver needs be proactive with using it verses currently being reactive. This will give other faction tankers a chance at 1v1 especially if they see a "I am about to use my shield" warning or something.

    IMO, doesn't need a nerf though.
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