Why make Hossin so ****?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gremmel, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Gremmel

    Returning to Planetside after 2 year hiatus. First impressions of Hossin is that it's flat out broken.

    I think most people would agree that once you get too many people fighting in the same place this games "funfactor" goes down the drain. Biolab fights are actively avoided by all Outfits for this very reason. There's 2 possibly 4 ways to attack usually and once you go above a critical number it's a infinite standstill until a big enough Outfit deems it worthy of capture and wins it with a MAX-crash. All those hundreds of people who are there on both side just get bored eventually and leaves. It's only there for cert farming, which sure some people might enjoy but I think most people just do it because they feel obligated to and end up burning out on the game faster than they should.

    So Hossin then, it just feels like one giant Biolab fight, it's horrendous how poorly thought out the map layout is. The idea of a densely forrested area to fight in is amazing but the implementation is probably the worst I've seen in a game ever. Most travel routes between bases are wide enough to fit maybe two MBT's, like honestly, horrendous isn't even the right word for how **** that is. I sincerely hope that whoever used to be the designer of this game got sacked in the sell of SOE. I think it's high time now after well over 3 years of being able to play this game on a daily basis (counting in open beta) that Daybreak does what any good long term MMO game developer does and starts hiring veteran players with some passion instead of just code monkeys who rarely put any effort in.
  2. sustainedfire

    I hate it as well.

    Though it's actually pretty decent.

    Takes time to get used to, it's a bit of a departure from the other continents.

    Though there are some very enjoyable bases.

    Sometimes you just have to take off your grandpa glasses and stop thinking how back in your day, we had 3 continents, and we liked it!
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  3. sustainedfire

  4. ColonelChingles

    This would instantly make Hossin better:


    Oh, enemy AT infantry hiding between the trees?

    Just torch the place. ALL OF IT.
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  5. BrbImAFK

    Personally, I really like Hossin. Maybe because so many people avoid it that you get a lot of medium-sized fights (which I find much more enjoyable than zerg-to-spawnroom-camp-camp-CAMP!). I hope that they leave Hossin as is!
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  6. Ballto21

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  7. HappyStuffin

    I totally understand your frustration with the narrow and cramped spaces being unable to fit enough tanks in. I have a lot of trouble with driving my Sundy around in Hossin as well.

    But I've accepted the cramped conditions of Hossin because I believe the dev's specifically made Hossin less conducive to Tankside and more geared towards infantry battles instead. I truly love the infantry fighting in Hossin. Dodging in and out of the thick forest without tanks (and aircraft) getting in the way.
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  8. teks

    Hossin actually has some great hidden paths for sneaky tanks.
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  9. BlueSkies

    Herr durr, I can't drive in a straight line everywhere!!!! NERF STUFF NOAW
  10. Gremmel

    A straight line is all you can do, there's no off road for vehicles and air is mostly useless. Are you trolling or just that dumb for real?
  11. Crayv

    What I don't get is it is suppose to be a swamp right? Then why does it have such massive mountains? It feels like south-east Indar with trees.
  12. Iridar51

    Don't really hate Hossin. Aside from few problematic bases every continent has, it's a decent place to fight. The place is A2G hell, though. Most pilots crash into foliage, but those good enough to avoid that, run rampant all day every day, using trees as cover against AA.

    I hear some people have problems with fog and dark, but that's solved by turning off shadows and bloom.
  13. Crayv

    Yeah the super massive sized trees do that. If they made them smaller so aircraft couldn't use them as cover and concealment it would make the place a bit more unfriendly for air.
  14. BlueSkies

    Oh I'm resisting the urge to troll since you're in ELME (it'd be too easy and not fair). But if you think there are nothing but straight lines on Hossin... you need to go back to school.
  15. Diilicious

    even when hossin gets alerts on cobalt people would always go to the other 1 continent thats open rather than subject themselves to that map.

    also, why does my tank have a huge dust trail when im driving through water? why does hossin have any dust that isnt slicked into a thick disgusting smelling sludge?

    immersion broken
  16. Regpuppy

    Personally, I enjoy the occasional Hossin fight. Where the area between bases is actually playable, at least for infantry, rather than being restricted to fighting inside a base. It's not just one huge killzone around every base on Hossin.
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  17. CorporationUSA

    Yeah I hate it too. If they deleted it tonight, I'd be pretty happy. Go back to 3 continents with one lock at a time. It seems like Hossin is usually unlocked and Amerish is usually locked for some reason, and Amerish is 10 times better than Hossin.
  18. Kanil

    The flat lands on Hossin are the best terrain in the whole game. The abundance of trees, rocks, cover in general allow for gameplay other than "let's line up our zergs and the bigger one wins".

    Meanwhile the hills are just death canyons and should be avoided. Wish they'd turn some of them into more flat lands...
  19. Lord_Avatar

    Bah, Hossin is love. I'd be content with ditching Esamir though.
  20. Klabauter8

    I personally find fights with many people kinda fun. Sure, it's not much to do there, but it has a certain charm when everything just goes down in full chaos.
    I don't think the map layouts are the problem in this game, I rather think the main problem is that there is no real punishment for dying in this game. This way everything becomes just a huge spam fest often with people doing constantly annoying suicide attacks. Sure that's also fun, because the whole game is just full of chaos this way and fights tend be larger for longer, but I personally would find punishing death much better because it would require people to be more cautious if they want to have fun and use some tactics.

    The problem is just that you constantly can beam yourself wherever you want, you don't really lose anything when you die, you just respawn 20 feet away and try again. This just provokes that the whole game is often just full of chaos and everyone just does whatever they want.