Why is Waterson so Bipolar?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Eclipson

    So there have been a lot of threads about Waterson TR overpopulation, and I can see that there are times when we do clearly have this. I log into Waterson today though to this:

    I don't understand what is going on with Waterson? It's honestly been utterly un-enjoyable the past week or so. We either have ridiculous 40% populations or this! I'm not sure whats happening. I've noticed a lot of new Waterson TR outfits as well, with skilled players that have a lot of cosmetics but are also low battle ranked, so i'm confused about that as well.
  2. Messaiga

    My guess is that Waterson might be breaking free from TR overpop since the Striker is utterly useless against (competent) ESF's, it's so easy to escape them now. Not that I am complaining about it, I just hope we get to a point where the population settles around 30-35% population for each faction.
  3. Mykra

    It's not an alert. After an alert a bunch of the TR go onto alts, which are usually NC and VS alts on Waterson for some reason.
    When an alert starts, they will go back onto their mains, and away we go.
  4. SlingBlade

    TR is getting creamed on indar, that is the only reason the world pop is even. If they came back and pushed out the world pop go back up for TR. That is why it's a problem that TR has had the best indar warpgate location for a month, people love indar.
  5. Rohnlex

    Cuz doom49 left the game at that time :)
  6. 7303

    What happened was that an Indar cap alert ended 30 minutes before you took that picture, and I guess a lot of TR along with 4th factioners logged off/switched factions. I think some NC and VS wanted to break the continent cap, and a bunch of TR just left Indar. If you had taken that picture 30 minutes earlier you would've seen TR with 39% world pop. This is one of the rare moments when TR has the lowest population out of the three, and it didn't last for long.
  7. jihon83

    For better or worse, there is a lot of fourth factioning in the TR. It tends to rear its head because the faction's population seems to ebb and flow like an ocean.

    Tonight has been odd, since the VS seemed to grow cold in the defense of Dahaka. We literally had a group of TR surrounded in the eastern generator room and no one was pushing in. I literally ran in time and again to either kill a Medic and an Engineer or to take out a Max, and nothing happened. There was just a half circle of green (purple is too muddy with blue and red for my liking) that kept the walls and the south door open, so eventually, the TR were numerous enough to just swarm out and take the base. It was an incredibly demoralizing fight. On the kind-of plus side, I did relatively well, even though I feel awful about my playing and my spandex-loving morale is flagging.

    Still, get your spirit back, VS, we're supposed to be the plucky underdogs!
  8. Phyr

    I AM NOT BIPOLAR! I love you.
  9. CaligoIllioneus

    TR is the less Indarside faction of the three.

    In order of love for Indar:

    VS > NC > TR

    It's not unheard of for a lot of TR platoons to change continents to go ghost cap something. Plus right now the server has too few people in it.
  10. CaligoIllioneus

    Proof (all these screenshots have been taken this very moment):


    Oh no! This server is so unbalanced, VS clearly has more population! Look, 37%!



    What? TR 40%? Where are they, then?



    You see, TR loves ghost capping (and World Domination Series points).
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  11. Kyouki

    Lol now you admit the population was even?
  12. SlingBlade

    Wow...this is why i ignored you in game. This screencap was taken BEFORE the alert even started. When i said VS had 29% world pop and TR had 35% world pop it was 5 mins before the alert ended. What I stated also came true, tr pushed out on indar and their pop surged. I called you out for lying about the pop being equal before the alert ended. Welcome to ignore list on forums too.
    • Up x 1
  13. Moltke

    Did you see the alert, this is what happened after the alert... During the alert for indar TR had most population and were wining with a territory cap of indar with over 55% capped and the rest of the continent was split between NC and VS.

    Stick to taking screen shots during alerts...
  14. DK22

    school's back, i know people that don't play much anymore because of that.
    I've been on irregular myself, morning, late night, etc. the pop is always moving.