Why is there nothing Digital about the Digital TR camo?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fenrisk, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Fenrisk


    In game the Digital camo looks more like tiger stripes then then something blockly or Digital. If i wanted Tiger stripe camo i would of paid for that instead. On the heavy it looks far more like stripes of red on black.


    When buying the Digital camo pack i expected something like the tron camos i seen in game which is some Nivida camo or for it to look at least like the preview square. Not like a red on black version of the tiger stripes above.

    Digital Camo preview square


    ^^^ Does that look like the tiger stripes we get when buying the camo? I think not. I would rather have the shiny bugged camo we got in this patch as compensation. (The shiny tight red leather pants)

    Fix the camos to be as described. We do pay money for them.
  2. Fenrisk

    [IMG]Digital Camo ^^^^



    Digital camo ^^^^