Why is the minigun diffcult to balance?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by IamDH, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. IamDH

    Just increase the RoF, you dont need an attachment or anything.

    Please note: I dont know any statistics but im pretty sure this alternative is better. Or you could just make it a barrel attachment as suggested by others
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  2. Tycoh

    I'm just guessing the developers just don't play video games therefore can't fully identify the problems and fix them...or at least steal ideas that worked in other video games.
  3. asdfPanda

    Yeah, idk where the developers are going with this. Increase rof, make RMB spool up, let there be a "spool down" time(instead instantly stopping the rotation, etc, etc.
  4. Giggily

    I'm pretty sure there's an engine limitation preventing them from increasing the ROF much higher than it currently is. In the past a lot of it had to do with tracers melting computers if there were too many at once.
  5. Pikachu

    800 rpm limit would be very strange since at least one of the a2a noseguns have 1000 rpm.
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  6. Giggily

    It doesn't render more than like 1/3 of the racers, though.
  7. DeadliestMoon

  8. DevDevBooday

    Rotary nose guns fire at 1000rpm, no problem there.
  9. Maljas23

    Yeah but it doesn't render all of the tracers. Why SOE doesn't do that with the MCG, I have no idea.
  10. Bankrotas

    Nor any other gun either.

    Ok, flat out rof buff. How much rof, how much damage, what kind of accuracy are we talking about, how much ammo? Cause 2k dps weapon with 100 ammo belt would have severe accuracy issues,.
  11. NovaAustralis

    It IS easy to balance...
    You can more than double the RPM and magazine size for more DAKKA,
    you just need to drop the damage per round so that the DPS stays similar.

    TR traits in a weapon that is actually FUN to use!
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  12. Peebuddy

    A fun trait for this weapon would be that it's belt fed, no clips.

    Then you could run around like the Heavy in TF2
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  13. NovaAustralis

  14. IamDH

    The limit is 1200 which is Onslaughts + Lockdown

    Not sure of the figures or the name of the weapon but the limit is pretty high. Plus, the attachment pretty much increases RoF with the same effect so it doesnt really matter
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  15. Cirevam

    Everyone's quoting you so I will too.

    When using tracers in real life, you wouldn't make every bullet a tracer. You would load one every third or fifth round of normal ammunition. That's my understanding of it, at least.

    We need to let TR have their iconic weapon in a non-Higby'd state. Right now it's a cake mixer that sounds cool when firing. And technical issues like "oooooh it wouldn't be able to shoot over cover if it were underslung" could be easily mitigated by using creative options like "make the guy hold it higher instead of letting his arms hang low."
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  16. Maljas23

    MCG revamps/buffs literally fill this entire forum and somehow SOE just doesn't w/e they want. I'm still giving them the benefit of doubt as we do not have the full April balance update... but damn man....what even is this?
  17. Klondor

    There's no reason for not changing the RoF to 1000. The Mosquito's rotary fires at 1000rpm, the Lynx fires at 909rpm, what the absolute HELL is stopping them from just increasing the RoF to at LEAST 950?
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