Why is AA so expensive?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kid Gloves, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Kid Gloves

    I don't understand why AA weapons - which are specific to a single role and reportedly not that effective - cost the same number of certs/SC as a much more well-rounded and more effective weapon such as rocket pods on ESFs or Saron on a magrider.

    Toting AA means sacrificing a lot just to counter one kind of enemy, and even then to rarely get kills. So why 1000certs / 700+ sc?
  2. ValiantJared

    everything is expensive, next thread
    • Up x 1
  3. Kid Gloves

    Was expecting flippant comments from flyboys. I guess anything that might damage the kill-streak awesomeness of a pilot with rocket pods has to be expensive, or the rocket pods will be set to flame and fired into the forums. :)
  4. exLupo

    Everything's expensive and I'm a godawful pilot.

    edit: Everything except burst rifles. *gag*