Why I feel engineers are the most important class

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by mindtruckin, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. mindtruckin

    After about 100 hours of PS2 (including all 3 factions), I finally decided to use the TR engineer as my main role.
    It kinda started by me buying the rocketpods for the mossie after the double xp weekend, which lead me to using the engineer practically all the time. But I'm a very versatile player, I don't mean to brag, I've played CS 1.6 for about 12 years, but versatility is important for me because I don't die that much compared to the average PS2 player.

    Buying AT mines for my engi was the most important thing I did, possibly even more important than buying a goddamn 2x red dot sight. Because that means I can blow up most sunderers and MBTs whenever I need to, while also having the possibility of extra XP by repairing and restocking ammo. If you're good at shooting and staying alive, those things will keep you fed with XP.

    Like I said, I'm a fan of versatility, and being useful to your team. To me it feels like the engineer is the only class capable of being useful in any situation.

    Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one doing anything to stop an assault. Let's say, there's an assault on The Crown, your team is defending. Nobody is doing anything to try and stop the assault by finding their sunderers and destroying them. I use one life to find their sunderer, the second or third to simply sprint through their infantry and place 2 AT mines at their sunderer. Problem solved. No other class can stop an assault that easily. Sure, you may wonder how you could possibly sprint to their sunderer when nobody else is doing it, but just try it a few times. People just don't bother to turn around and shoot one lone soldier most of the times because most people have a lousy framerate, and doing a 180 degree turn induces more headache than you feel is worth it.
  2. Dhart

    must have been NC... notoriously bad about Sunder Defense. I have tried that trick with TR and VS... usually I get wiped long before I even get close to the Sunder. It does work sometimes though... worth the suicide if the enemy loses their spawn point.
  3. mindtruckin

    Exactly. I may have exaggerated the point about using only 2 or 3 lives to destroy the enemy sunderer, but even if you use 10 respawns to destroy an enemy sunderer when you're defending a base, YOU are the most important soldier in that situation. And most likely no lone HA is gonna blow up a sunderer by himself unless that sundy was already broken and nobody was repairing it for some reason.
  4. JimBobRedneck

    The fact that I primarily play Engineer is why my Sunderer runs with several ranks of Mine Guard.
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  5. mindtruckin

    I like how your brain functions, Mr. Redneck.
  6. Dytch

    Engineers keep everything mechanical ticking, but Medics keep us ticking, by default they're the most important class, without them, we couldn't do our job. =)
  7. mindtruckin

    In a real-life scenario that would be true. But considering respawns and energy shields, medics really aren't as important as they would be IRL.
  8. InducedApathy

    I actually maxed mine out on two characters so far. Works really good as I had an NC engi try to mine me on my TR sundy (dual m60s blazing) and he did a sliver of damage with two mines :). I plan on switching it up with ammo when I roll with a zerg though.
  9. ps2f2p

    there is 1 thing that engi can't do.
    take down aircraft.if engi would have rocketlauncher he would be the best like he was in battlefield.
  10. FutureCrusader

    HA and engi are best classes imho
  11. Ghoest

    Ya HA and engineer are the most important classes for winning a given engagment.

    LA is the most fun class.

    Medic - no one really knows because they are too busy spamming the heal tool to fight usually.
  12. Dytch

    I run with medics in my squad that actually rez and heal me. If there is no spawn room nearby and you have a good Medic, this absolutely holds true. Medic keeps rezing and healing you and you keep the tanks and sunders destroying the infantry. It's 100% true for me and my medic buddy.
  13. Izriul

    Wow! You've played CS 1.6 3 years longer than it was actually released?! :O
  14. undeadsapir

    engi yea, not HA....
    a LA with c4 wlil do much more than an heavy in pretty much every situation, people really underestimate LA..
    heck on an amp station attack i do so much damage to the people sniping up on the towers simply because of the extreme mobility i have using LA there

    HA is most definitely important, and its good that alot of people use it, but its not the best class
  15. mindtruckin

    CS was actually released in '99. Though it wasn't version 1.6 back then if you're gonna be all smart about it..
  16. FutureCrusader

    I normally just engage infantry rather than vehicles, but when I do, i prefer HA, due to the ability to do it from a range. And yes, I'm aware the first part of this response sounded like a Dos Equis commercial.
  17. Izriul

    CS 1.6 Was released in 2003.

    Also, CS wasn't released in 99, it was 2000. Beta was in 99.
  18. mindtruckin

    Well whoop-de-doo. I don't want this thread to derail into CS release dates. But I chose to use "CS 1.6" to explain that it's the classic CS, not that crappy source version or something. End of discussion.
  19. Nonune

    This is also the reason I don't drive on normal roads. I get asked a ton, "Where you going?"

    I'm like... You kidding me right? I would mine the hell outa that path, Screw that, I'm going over here!

    They don't believe me, nother sundi driver in outfit rolls in with his sundi and twelve people. Man, they made some engi really happy with that death.
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  20. SinerAthin

    I'd agree on the Heavy Assault and the Engineer being the two most important classes for the battle, while a few Medics support them.

    Two or three medics is a great way to avoid wiping. Or just 1 medic if you have a small squad.