Why Heavy Assault should change

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Embermote, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. Embermote

    Whenever any form of hit detection, hitbox, hitching, etc. etc. is a factor, and thus headshots aren't reliable, you miss more, and just generally are very likely to win or lose due to a sheer durability and damage per mag advantage which isn't enjoyable at all.

    Also, while it seemed to me at first that HA was for newer players to survive, it's very clear a max certed HA in the hands of experienced players just allows them to mop the floor with more new players more easily.

    If they are meant to be the CQC bruiser class, fine, extra durability but no long range AV and no LMGs.

    If they're not, what is the shield even for? Why does the class need it? They have the strongest mid-long range automatics and they do a ton of damage to most targets using the rocket launcher. They have a lot of versatility in one package, I'd still play the class without the shield.

    I just don't understand the design/balance philosophy behind the class.
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  2. HadesR

  3. prodo123

    Try what HAs do with any other class and you'll see why HAs are fine as they are right now.

    They're meant to take more bullets. They're the front lines, who along with MAXes charge into a room and clear out enemies. Or they are the main form of defense, providing suppressing fire to sweep up any intruders who dares to set foot in your base.

    They are not simply for CQC. They are meant to kill everything, including vehicles. If you're 1v1ing a HA, of course you will lose. That's the whole point of a HA. Taking out or nerfing the shield is analogous to removing the cloak for Infiltrators, jetpacks from LAs, the medigun from Medics and the repair tool from Engineers.
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  4. HadesR

    Or making it so that with certain cloaks they can't use a primary weapon .... Oh wait ;)

    Personally with EMP changes I feel the shield itself is ok ... The only change I would make is to have it as Launcher or Shield deal ... Not both ..

    Or maybe even allow both but put the shield into the utility spot, so Heavies are more reliant on support ( No medi kits , or C4 etc ) and not just a swiss army knife

    Because the one size fits all HA loadout is TBH a bit Too good ..
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  5. Garrum

    The fact that people say this, and at least seem to believe it, is amusing and disheartening at the same time.
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  6. Shadowomega

    Want to hear something funny. Sometime after Planetside 1 raise to the level cap to 60 from 25 people whined about Rexo being op and needing changed. Here we are in Planetside 2 we have Rexo with the named Heavy Assault Class, and people are whinning about the front line fighter that does nothing to support the team other then kill. At least in PS1 you could be a Rexo Medic, engineer with Heavy Weapon and AV weapon and hack vehicles with people in it and then if you were cr 4 or 5 you could also OS stuff.

    Bad players are going to cry, moan and (you fill in the blank here), cause they lost for what ever reason other then they got out played, out though, out skilled (yea cause someone out there very well might be better then you at aiming, and other things), or pull something so stupid but they thought was so smart that their only conclusion is that X/Y/Z is op. It never occurs in their tinny mind that they are not gods gift to gaming, or maybe they need improvement. This mentality seems to occur the most in younger gamers, and sometimes picked up by older people that are new to gaming.

    I also have noticed that most of the people that whine on the forums about HA's seem to be more of the lone wolf types. Which to me explains it, their playing solo in a team game designed around massive battles.
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  7. LodeTria

    Not pushing points and waiting for someone else to go in? Yea that's how most HA plays. You can easily apply this to everyone, but only HA claim to be the pushers when they hardly do it. MAXes push more than HA do.
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  8. Embermote

    It also makes absolutely no sense to give the "pusher" class LMGs as their main, default weapon type.

    If they're the pusher class they should be fine with shotguns and SMGs, limiting their range and kills per mag potential more which shouldn't matter if they're pushing.

    Also plenty of people who play HA think they're too strong right now.
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  9. Scr1nRusher

    to suppress groups of infantry.

    That would just destroy class balance.

    SMG's & common class pool shotguns already cause issues on the class.

    Can you link statements?

    Also have you considered the HA is to strong due to other factors?

    Such as:

    • 0.75 ADS being on certain LMG's.
    • SMG & common class pool shotgun access
    • The ES G2A & G2G lock ons being dumbfirable.
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  10. Embermote

    Suppression =/= pushing.

    If they're meant to be the suppression class, don't give them SMG/Shotgun.

    From this post it still seems like you agree with the general point that some changes would be wise.
  11. Lucidius134

    "We nerfed LMG hipfire because the HA was over performing at CQC"
    *a few patches later*
    "HA's can now wield SMG's"
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  12. Scr1nRusher

    I told you the changes that need to be done.

    Removing 0.75 ADS off all LMG's that have it, Removing common class pool shotgun & SMG access & Removing the dumbfire abillity from the ES G2A & G2G lock on RL's.
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  13. Scr1nRusher

    10/10 game balancing.
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  14. wrenched

    HA most played class. They won't poke their bronze goose (I was going to say golden but yeah nah).
  15. Scr1nRusher

    Actually the Medic is the most played class in the game.
  16. wrenched

    Maybe you're right but dasanfallstats show that 2 of the top 3 most used primary weapons are LMGs: http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/items/weapons

    The other one is an SMG. So maybe there are squads of medics running around rocking the NS-7 PDW. Not going to get into a back and forth with you though because you like to argue with everyone about everything and you are a prolific forum spammer.

    Interesting point wrel makes in his blackhand video - the only class the gun cannot kill emptying magazine at chest point blank is fully certed HA.
  17. Scr1nRusher

    He said with the shield on + nanoweave. And thats mostly due to the 4 rounds.

    Its a sad thing when people think discussion is arguing & being active is spamming.

    Oh well thats forumside for you.
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  18. 00000000000000000000

    Yeah that'll show those Heavy Assaults! Nerf Vanu!

    HA is fine as it is. Maybe 1 in 20 deaths for me is due to "Win shield"
  19. Scr1nRusher

    Sigh... its not about VS.
  20. Shadowomega

    Maybe those medics are actually doing something other then killing. Like Healing and Reviving all their buddies, and actually supporting other people, and only using their Assault Rifle when their threatened. But hey, SMG with laser or Shotgun with extended mag goes great on a medic in fur ball fights as the enemy trying to kill you is well with in the effective range of those guns. As well as those guns having some of the quickest swap times when you are good a multi-tasking between shooting/healing/reviving.