Why double xp only for sub-player

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ENGTX, Apr 18, 2014.

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  1. NB88

    They just need to change it a tiny bit.... People that buy SC get 50% bonus xp during the members double xp weekends, sounds alot better to people that buy SC but cant get membership due to payment method limitations.
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  2. MasterCheef

    This is what i mean. 3xSC sales arent a PS2 thing only.
  3. VanuSShooter

    No I haven't suffered a head injury recently ... not sure if you're trying to insult me. Pretty sure buying SC does support the game ... if it didn't why isn't it free then?
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  4. blag

    Because only paying customers are worthy of cutting down some of the mindless grind required to begin fully enjoying the game. Right SoE?
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  5. Akuzimo

    It's called a "Membership benefit" for a reason. Companies/clubs/organizations do this all the time. Hell, where I live there's an organization that if you're a member of it, you get tickets to operas, plays, opportunities for pre-sales before the general public, opportunities for the best seats, etc. etc. Did you buy a ticket to go see "John's Ice Cream Adventure: The Musical"? Cool, cool, enjoy the show. BUT "John's Ice Cream Adventure: Now With Sprinkles!" is coming to town and you want to see it! All right! I want a ticket, they go on sale on Monday of next week! But Sally has a membership, and because of her membership with this organization, she get's the option to buy the ticket on the coming up Friday instead of waiting for Monday. Did you buy the ticket before? Yes. Does that mean you get the benefit of early ticket purchases? No. That's a membership benefit. You're not a member, you lose out.

    These types of things are to entice people to become subscribers as you're basically guaranteeing them a certain amount of money per month for purchases. If you buy SC, you buy it on your own terms. You buy it when you want it, how you want it and why you want it. You could buy SC 1 time and just be done with it. Members on the other hand month after month are basically putting their faith into SoE and also their wallet for SoE to do what they want with. They're not guaranteed a good game, or even a game that will still be around in a month. Those customers are saying, "Hey, I want this x-month membership and here's this much money. Now I don't know what's going to happen to your stuff in a week, but I'm putting my faith in you". SoE is saying to them, "Hey, here's some special member-only sales, bonus XP/Resources/Certs, Early sales of certain items in the shop and on occasion a double xp weekend. Thank you for your trust and I hope you like our stuff".

    Did Jim buy SC before? Yes. Is he entitled to ANY of those benefits? No. Those benefits are members-only benefits. Jim's not a member, he loses out. Is it fair? Nope. But neither is it fair that I wanted to see "John's Ice Cream Adventure 2: Now With Sprinkles!" but Sally got to get her tickets before me.

    That's how membership works. You reward those who put their faith in your company by basically pre-paying for something that may either pay great dividends, or just flat-out fail.
  6. FieldMarshall

    Because money
  7. DG-MOD-17

    Going to go ahead and lock this thread as being non-constructive.
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