Why don't you guys like the Beamer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Planetdoge, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Planetdoge

    In all seriousness, the Beamer is one of my favorite guns in the game so far. It might even be the best starting pistol. I generally find myself using the Beamer to finish off enemies that I've already damaged, and to this end it's very effective. One underrated aspect of the pistol is its unobtrusive iron sight, which outshines those of the Magshot and the TX1 Revolver by far. I'm going to buy a laser sight and suppressor for my Beamer as soon as I'm done certing into the more important upgrades. In my humble opinion, it is well worth it to invest 200 certs into this little beast of a sidearm.

    And before you suggest it, yes I already have a Commissioner. I actually prefer the Beamer with most of my loadouts because I feel like it's more versatile.

    I just don't understand why so many people think the Beamer is bad. Why can't the Beamer get any Vanu love?

  2. NotYourBro

    Please Auraxium it, Doge.
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  3. Planetdoge

    'Tis my destiny.
  4. Ryme

    Because we're old and arthritis keeps our fingers from clicking fast enough to kill anything with it. :p
  5. Vanu Superiority

    I love the beamer. I tried the commissioner and I don't like it much. Beamer all the way.
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  6. gigastar

    Because no one can click the mouse at ~7.68 times second without using a macro.

    Whereas with the Commish you can easily manage ~2.8 clicks a second. And you get higher DPS, and higher alpha damage from it.
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  7. Planetdoge

    But it's easier to land shots with the Beamer because, again, it has a much better iron sight. You don't have to click at the maximum rate with the Beamer; moderately fast clicking with the Beamer is still preferable to the Commisionner's slow ROF. The Commie's high alpha is redundant if the opponent is already wounded. The Beamer is also superior in terms of hip fire accuracy, which becomes especially obvious outside of the ~10 m range. There are so many situations where the Beamer is more helpful than the Commissioner. Beamer = life saver. <3

    Don't get me wrong, I love the Commissioner, too, but the Beamer just doesn't get the love it deserves. :O
  8. dBMachine

    Because it does the damage equivalent to a spitwad.

    My Underboss does the job MUCH better.
  9. WyrdHarper

    I really like the Beamer--it's kind of like the Emperor (also my favorite pistol), and has a really nice iron sight. I personally really hate the the revolvers because of how much they jump back in your face and obscure your vision. I like being able to do sustained, hard-hitting fire with my pistols.
  10. gigastar

    Actually the Commies high alpha is all the more relevant is the victim is wounded. Assuming no NW, then if theyre missing just 200 health it has a 2 shot kill. And im sure that 2 Commish shots will happen before 4 Beamer shots will.
  11. Ryme

    Would people be against giving semi auto weapons an auto fire mode that fires at a much lower rate than the max rof of the weapon? To make them more viable for non-click spammers?
  12. DramaticExit

    Depends... Learn to play drums, and this sort of thing comes pretty naturally after a while.
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  13. teks

    The manticore fits my click speed better. I dont notice the slower rof, but i do notice the damage boost.
  14. Wobberjockey

    i actually am starting to like my cerb over my commissioner in some situations.

    then again i have always been more of a .45ACP over a 9mm or .50 type of player.

    that said, the commish does a NICE job of putting the hurt on MAXes. 6 shots will about 1/2 health a max*

    *not recommended unless the max has something better to look at.
  15. Ripshaft

    It was largely viewed as a joke weapon in ps1, and that reputation got passed into ps2. There is absolutely no rational reason.
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  16. Planetdoge

    I considered an 800 HP opponent "grazed" more so than wounded. The Catch-22 of the Commissioner is that most of the situations in which it outdoes the Beamer are those situations where you would be better off not using a pistol in the first place. Going head-on against an enemy with the Commissioner means that most of the time, they will be able to kill you before you pull off the 2 Commish shots. On the other hand, in situations where pistol use is optimal, e.g. if an enemy has 300 HP, the 450 alpha damage of the Commissioner is redundant. The 2 quick body shots or one headshot with the Beamer is more of a sure thing in that case. Outside of max damage range (but still within reasonable pistol range, so ~25 m), the Beamer becomes even more advantageous because of the Commissioner's "meh" hip fire ability (and its lackluster iron sight). The only class where I would use the Commissioner full time is Infiltrator, because I can flank the enemy and at least land at least one shot on them before they can return fire (the pistol-knife combo is also great). In situations where the enemy can shoot back at me, I've had more success with the Beamer than the Commissioner.

    I guess it ultimately comes down to playstyle. My philosophy in using pistols, and specifically the Beamer, is to use them as finishers when I've run out of bullets on my primary; the Beamer is really good here. If we're talking about using pistols as primaries, then the Commissioner > Beamer. But pistols in general, even the Commissioner, aren't really viable as a primary most of the time...except as an Infiltrator, when you're consistently able to get the drop on the opponent.
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  17. Planetdoge

    I don't own an Underboss, so I can't really testify to or against that with any credibility, though it does seem like a very good upgrade from what I've seen in VR training. But for a starting weapon that is no worse than the Magshot, the Beamer shouldn't receive so much hate.
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  18. Anantidaephobia

    The Beamer is a very good pistol. It's very (very) precise at long range and does some pretty good damage if you manage to click fast enough :D
    I put a darklight on it, and now whatever the class I choose I know I'll have something to find invisible thugs ;)
  19. MajiinBuu

    Try the Cerberus and then tell me the Commissioner's iron sight is bad
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  20. Paragon Exile

    While I mock the Beamer mercilessly, it's extremely good in many situations. I suppose the problem most have with it is the high RoF cap which stops people from using it as easily as the magshot or repeater. I personally oversample frequently when using it.

    In the original Planetside however, it was a truly magnificent sight to see.