Why don't you devs ever overbuff the NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hashi, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Hashi

  2. Compass

    You guys get bonus armor on every side now... It's not like Prowlers can now get bonus speed to every direction they go...

  3. Hashi

    but...but... why does it matter when the 25% damage boost absolutely negates it D:
  4. Ronin Oni

    You're getting more armor and damage and AP velocity....

    what's not to like?
  5. Ronin Oni

    SO prowler/van balance stays roughly the same, meanwhile both prowlers and Vans will fair better vs Mags.
  6. DJPenguin

    because we don't need to be overbuffed?
  7. Hashi

    5% increase in taking damage to the sides isn't really much of something I'd be proud about. It just means I stay in the red zone for an extra hit.
  8. Compass

    <_< You have a shield.
  9. Winfield

    I won't say anything definate before I see math done about it, but I'd reckon 5% top and side armor won't do anything against tank shots but air? Slightly.

    Oh, and that 25% buff negates our FRONT armor.
    Maybe it's time to ditch mineguard for Reinforced Front Armor.

    All in all, I like the velocity buffs, especially for the Enforcer. I still have a bad feeling about Prowlers being overbuffed, considering their Velocity AND damage buffs.

    Shield that gets bugged most of the time and doesn't function properly. I hope they fix it in the patch. :p
  10. Hashi

    but the shield works for 5 seconds up to 8 seconds, and has a minute reuse time, ontop of that it only makes it useful in blocking one hit, I still feel like we've been shafted with this patch to be honest. Much like all others. Our last hope is our shotguns.
  11. Monnor

    The whining was done in beta.
  12. kill

    It's true though. The Vanguard was barely buffed. The Prowler was insanely buffed. The Magrider was slightly nerfed but considering how much better it was pre-patch 02 it won't matter one bit.
  13. Compass

    Quickly, put R&D into making a Scattmax tank! D:
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  14. Hashi

  15. Hashi

    still pizzazzed. Damnty you SOE buff us overthedamntop
  16. Pixelshader

    Hey guys lets buff the absolute **** out of the prowler, it'll be hilarious!

    We can just nerf it later!

    I love being a dev! High five!

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  17. Hashi

    But not before we laugh at the Old Conglomerate!! :D

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  18. QuantumMechanic

    I think you don't may much attention to current events.

    Massive all-around jackhammer buff with this next patch:

    Big all-around vanguard buff wit this next patch:

    This thread is just more proof that NC whine the best.
  19. Hashi

    No sorry, if you've used the JokeHammer you'd understand. First of all, The TR chaingun will also be receiving a buff in the spin time, the piston was clearly a better choice than the JH, and the lasher will not do as much damage to friendlies.

    Ontop of that, I've read the second post and I still don't know what you're pointing at... wait... is it that 5% armor? man. Splendibleepingdoo! or, the 20 ms increase for the 40ms increase to the AP or 20ms increase to the heat ? GRRRREAT.

    Wait... was it the enforcer? oh okay I see your point there. I'll just go pull my wallet out to pay for my patch while I'm at it!

    maybe, stick that in your pipe and smoke it?
  20. Gribbstar

    Because then I would need to find a new underdog to fight for ;)