Why does this infiltrator subforum have the most activity?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Arsonix, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. Sworaven

  2. Moz

    Yeah i could do that........ but it nowhere near as fun! :)

    Plus doing that leaves you open to the bug mentioned above! :(
  3. cruczi

    To make it even more fun, you could use the taunt voice command or the "I need a medic!" one.

    Or you could send a tell to him, saying "Watch out you're being hacked!"

    I've had that happen so rarely I could count it with one hand, if I remembered the exact number... Maybe it was 2 or 3.
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  4. Mustarde

    I've started sending tells "there's C4 on your turret!". Works 7/10 times.
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  5. Arsonix

    Anyone else noticed how fishy this Thompson153 guy is? His account is literally a year old as of yesterday and has only 7 posts. Probably explains a lot of that bias.

    But since this fishy account has decided to become a safe partner and not respond I'll clarify one thing for you to maybe eliminate the bias.
    There is only one way to read
    "stop embarrassing yourself" and "You just need to stop being bad at the game."

    I'll just answer this with quotes that anyone reading this thread can remember.

    Seriously if you have a beef with me take it to private messages, I don't claim to know who this is but using an obvious alt account is not the way to get at me.
  6. Thompson153

    Just wanted to reply to this one part, since, as I stated earlier, I don't want to get into a flame war.

    I don't use the forums much. People are allowed to do that you know...

    If you want to check out my characters:
    My NC character - https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428085254810579057
    My TR character - https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428213558401684529 (Please note I only created this one a week ago, hence the low playing times)

    While I'm here, I will say something: if you want to be the bigger man, don't reply. The only reason I am replying here is because I wanted to clear up that, no, I am not inexperienced, and yes, I do have a pretty decent amount of time in the game, I just usually don't post or visit this forum (and in all honesty, this thread shows why...). I'm not saying give up, I'm just saying there comes a point in time where you have to realize that nothing good will come of continuing on this thought line.
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  7. Arsonix

    I stand corrected. Even though I still think you have terrible reading comprehension skills and a huge bias against me for standing in opposition to your forum friend I'll let you bow out.
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  8. cruczi

    You've started doing that, but you've already done it enough times to know that statistically, it works 7/10 times instead 6/10 or 8/10? Sure it's not 6/10?
  9. Mustarde

    Haha well I'm giving a rough estimate... The gist being it works more than it doesn't.

    It also works a bit better when I use my vs alt instead of my main since they are less likely to know my faction.

    I shall perform 100 samples and report back with a pie chart
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  10. Alyz

    If he did it 10 times and 7 times it worked, it worked 7/10 times.
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  11. cruczi

    Excellent. I like pie.
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  12. Nolyzzlel

    because infiltrator is awesome
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  13. Rhumald

    We've actually already seen our class revamp.

    They gave us a somewhat new motion detection tool, changed our darts so they could be destroyed, and after much, much begging, stalker cloak... and then threw in a universal "I Win" counter for it, darklight... they also added most of our easily identified faction color patches, and some extra glowy bits.

    That was our revamp.

    Just to, you know, put everything into perspective for everyone though, that's been every class revamp.


    Oh yeah, new sniper rifles, I do like those SRs, not exactly a revamp of our class in any way though.
  14. Shadowstorm

    Mmmmm Hawt, Spicy, Mustarde... :)
  15. Chris Bingley

    Right, first off, on my two 'main' accounts I play what my squad needs, which is mostly HA/MAX and occasionally Medic/Engie.

    My new character I have created is solely for the purpose of seeing what I can do if I focus on one class. I picked Infiltrator for the following reasons:

    1: Numerous buffs that have turned the infie class into easy mode. Including, but not limited to; Nanoweave not protecting from headshots. A cloak that stays up indefinitely. Straight-pull Bolt!

    2: Amazing amounts of fun to play as, from running around being a general nuisance, to sniper duals (which I currently suck at, I seem to have lost my sniper-fu).

    3: Extremely versatile cert options. Including but not limited to; AP mines, a wide selection of sniper rifles to fit any situation and/or playstyle. Full auto weapons that are nearly silent with a suppressor attacted (check out the Artemis in VR if you don't believe me).

    4: And possibly the most important, that ability to 1HK anybody at any range.

    Now, whilst I do agree that compared to the other classes the infiltrator has a higher skill floor. Compared to how it was when I first started playing it's easy mode now due to all the quality of life changes the class has recieved. Especially the introduction of SMGs (released right after I had saved up for and purchased the Artemis for a mighty 1000 Cert). However, despite all these changes and improvements to the class, combined with what it already had going for it, people still sit around and whine about how the class is supposedly weak and useless. All I can say to that is L2P! Seriously, I've been killed by some very highly skilled infiltrators who seem to have no problems with their cloaking sounds, my overshield, etc etc. And before you say, You haven't played infiltrator that much, guess what? You're right. However, I'm now learing to play infiltrator well, rather than coming on the forums and complaining that I can't 1v1 a heavy head on. Or that my reload animations cover my field of view. Infiltrators aren't supposed to be a god-class (that would be MAX units and they need a buff), they're supposed to be balanced just like the rest and they are.

    Looking forward to swapping tales and helpful tips with the serious Infiltrators (not the moaners/whiners/whingers) in the months to come. :D