why does the grenade launcher shoot duds at close range

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by ArcKnight, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. eldarfalcongravtank

    anyone know why the only (vanu) engineer gun that is able to attach an underbarrel grenade launcher is the solstice sf? why is the serpent, vx6-7 or the pulsar c not able to attach grenade launchers?
  2. Armchair

    Because it is the same way for every faction? If you want the under-barrel attachments, you need the -S weapon (SF for vanu). In general, the -S weapons are slightly worse versions of the default weapon for that class.
  3. Trebb

    Yup it's a trade off. I think the UBGL is balanced. I find it's best to use when you are above your opponents. And yes it can be godly in the bio domes. Not just from the spawn room, but put a turret down, use as ladder, climb/hide in tree for free certs!

    I only wish other rockets would need 10m to arm. I'm really sick of HAs rocket spamming at knifing range, and it only takes me out.
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  4. RealityWarrior

    I agree all rockets should require an arm distance
  5. Falanin

    The underbarrel grenade launcher is also REALLY hard to aim. I pretty much went straight for it from day one, because (I'll be honest), I love me some noob tube action.

    It's got a lot of drop... I mean a LOT of drop. This wouldn't be so bad, but they didn't change the GL's aiming reticle when they changed the drop on it.... so the reticle is only useful between about 15-20m. After 20m, the grenade falls from the bottom hashmark to off the bloody sight in about 3 feet.

    You also can't run around with it out, since 10m is significantly outside of the "oh, ****, ENEMY, shoot him!" range. I applaud the guy who likes to GL/knife... I've never been able to make it work.

    Add to this the fact that you have to put the GL on the TRAC-5s... (the more I use it, the more I hate this gun), and the launcher is rapidly falling out of my loadouts... despite the fact that it's cool, and should be useful.
  6. cKerensky

    SF is slightly worse for each faction?
    Makes me feel even better for rocking it.
  7. Botji

    Whenever I see someone complaining about the UBGL they get a large "I have no idea what im talking about" OR "I am horrible at the game" sticker in my head. Its amazing the weapon hasnt been nerfed to hell yet and its even more amazing its not EngineerSide2 yet.

    There used to be a list here of all the good things and how amazing the UBGL is but I dont really want everyone to use it, it would destroy PS2 so uh.. keep to your good old weapons, the UBGL is hard to use and not worth the time learning it!
  8. Sam the sheepdog

    UBGL rocks, solstice SF sucks *** without it. I lose most gun fights with the solstice SF. It's situational. If I didn't hate screwing with load-outs so much I would run the VX6-7 primarily. In the right situation the UBGL is an unstoppable monster of insta-gibbing beauty. If it blew up on contact before 10m I would end up with way more TKs (sure, wander across my line of fire while I'm putting down suppressive fire. Good job.) and more suicides (see previous explanation) as grenades splashed off of every heavy who can't find their own firing lane.

    You have to try the UBGL to really understand, but for people who can see spaces that are tactical denial locations, it's all the agriculture you'll ever need to learn.
  9. Enxel

    Most of the times when i get surprised at close range I hit them with the grenade making them lose the shield, them i rush and knife for the kill. This happens allot and with some practice you can get a good hang of it.
  10. Athanasius

    And yet HAs can still do the same thing with a dumb-fired rocket to the face from close range. Yes, I think these should have a minimum arming distance as well.
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  11. Rogueghost

    That would be nice, unless your trying to use rocket launchers for their intended purpose, killing tanks and maxes.
    Now HA only makes up 12% of my total game play, but its not uncommon for me to risk the self damage/ possible suicide if that point blank rocket would kill the max/tank.

    I think it would be a better idea to instead make rockets just barely survivable vs infantry, so they won't be able to kill a full health soldier, but they wouldn't be something you can just shurge off. Their damage vs tanks/ maxes should remain unchanged though.
  12. Blankydot

    Seriously the grenade launcher needs to be nerfed. If you get the hang of it, as an engie this thing is ridiculous. In tight chokes you can easily get 100+ kills an hour. Not only that, you can shoot it THROUGH the shield doors. Its practically a faster rocket launcher which people can't see coming until its too later. The solstice SF may be weaker, but the UBGL is so overpowered it doesn't even really matter.
  13. Ghosty11

    Yes it is OP at farming the mentally challenged players that dance in front of the spawn room door shields, I'll give you that, but IMO those people deserve to die. Anywhere else, with the slow fire rate, bugs of the weapon not picking up ammo, and sometimes firing duds, makes the weapon very situational, and sometime deadly to the user.
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  14. RealityWarrior

    It does NOT shoot thru Shields...

    It DOES get hits (and possibly kills) on people that are partially sticking out. If they are 1 inch inside the shield they are impervious.
  15. HeadshotVictim

    well.... I think UBGL is fine how it is now.
    The arc makes it hard to use at range, the arming time makes it pretty weak in close ranges.
    A moving, dodging target is hard enough to hit to make a OHK acceptable.
    I use it, I like it, I am not angry when someone Underbarrel skilltubes me...
    Only Engineers have unlimited ammo with it, with a 4 seconds delay recharging from ammo packs.
    You can't spam it endlessly now, which is okay as well.

    I don't see the overpwered part actually. Yes people make kills with it, and I try to farm kills with as well by shooting out of biolab-repsawns. It is easy to avoid the grenades, by NOT STANDING IN FRONT OF THE DAMN SHIELDS!
    I always wonder why people run into an area that dangerous just to get slaughtered over and over again. And run to the forum afterwards crying about how "overpowered" a weapon is because they positioned themselves perfectly for that weapon...

    I think it is not overpowered. it is fine as it is. It is a OHK, but it's not too easy.
  16. Epic High Five

    Unarmed grenades do 500 damage. It's an instakill barring nanoweave as a headshot, and if you're close enough that it didn't arm then just knife them.

    DO NOT TRY TO SWITCH TO YOUR MAIN WEAPON. It will not work, and you will die mashing 1 like an idiot while nothing happens. You have to switch to your sidearm, THEN switch to your main weapon.

    Fix this SOE :(

    It used to be a lot more powerful. I think the grenade launcher is in a good place right now - the radius is very small but the damage is very high. The projectiles have a LOT of drop so it takes some skill to really master in combat (as opposed to spawn door camping, which I actually much prefer the SAW for), and only generally inferior guns can mount them.
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  17. Armchair

    That's enough to get people to cry for nerfs.
  18. YesNoGenius

    In my opinion SMOKE grenades shouldn't need traveltime.
  19. K Kungs

    So this is going to sound crazy, but maybe they tried to make the grenade launcher with a safety mechanism. The MK-19 (automatic grenade launcher used by the US Military) and the M203 (M4/M16 mounted grenade launcher - new version is M320) utilize the same basic HEDP round (only real difference is the amount of propellant) which do not arm until the round has revolved about 20 times (normally 20-30 meters), so it doesn't injure the Soldier.
  20. Liquid23

    while correct just let me point out that standard modern 40mm fragmentation grenades have a "kill" radius of only 5 meters but have a casualty radius of around 130 meters... meaning with no obstructions the fragmentation can wound that far away... in that light the 14-27m arming range will only stop you from outright killing yourself easily... older 40mm grenades only had a 2-3m arming range so you could still pretty much blow yourself up with one.. it's just to stop people from accidentally shooting them directly into the ground at their own feet

    the grenades in this game are odd tho because despite having a rather impressive explosion animation their actual damage radius is really ******* tiny... even if they only had like a 2 meter arming range you couldn't kill yourself with them... it's kind of not fair since RLs can be fired point blank and will still detonate... lol