Why does no one take the Anchor over the EM1?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TheUprising, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. IntergalacticYoghurt

    After certing heavily into both weapons, I have to say that I found the Anchor to be much more effective when it came to utilising the advanced laser pointer. The EM1, on the other hand, only seemed to shine with the forward grip.

    The thing is, I really wanted to like the EM1.. Especially after reading a few of Croaks glowing mini reviews - coupled with his obvious experience.
    But after grabbing the Anchor with the advanced pointer, I performed much better at close to mid range. I liked it so much, that it's become my primary weapon for heavy assault. I only swap out to my advanced forward grip NC6 Gauss SAW when I know I need to engage from distance.
  2. Croak

    At 0.05 ADS/0.1 hipfire, the EM1 has damned low bloom for an LMG, 20% less bloom than its closest NC competitor, the Anchor. It also has overall lower recoil than the Anchor.

    You know, perhaps the best way to describe it to people is that it's essentially an NS-11A with a 100 round magazine and balanced L/R recoil and a bit lower projectile velocity. And just like the NS-11A, it's outperformed on paper by many weapons, but because of the control it allows you, it tends to make up what it lacks in raw RoF or damage by putting rounds on target reliably, hipfire or ADS. It's a good weapon for killing mens and killing them quickly, much better than what the artificial "TTK" numbers bandied about would lead you to believe.

    The fact that it has a 100 round mag makes it more viable in "spray and pray" hipfire combat (or when you're out of rockets and are trying to burn down an MAX). The relatively fast reload means you're not caught out all that badly when you're done spraying which means less praying as you reload. :) The reload speed is also useful feature.

    Just remember to lay on the LMB longer with the EM1 than you may be used to with another NC (or other faction!) LMG. Once you break the short burst fire habit it begins to shine. I know, it took some of you awhile to DEVELOP that habit.
  3. Kyutaru

    You just linked a spreadsheet that states the exact opposite of what you just claimed. NC weapons have LOWER bloom per second, the spreadsheet you linked shows bloom per SHOT. If you were to actually calculate the bloom per second and resulting total COF, you would quickly realize the NC has the best fullauto accuracy in no small part due to its lower rates of fire. Even weapons like the CQC EM1 which suck in every other regard have better bloom per second than the higher RPM CQC weapons. Noobs are quick to praise the high ROF weapons yet it's only low ROF weapons like the T16 and TMG-50 that are capable of beating the NC bloom per second.

    Requiring one faction to have more skill to achieve better/worse efficiency is INDEED balance, Risk/Reward scenarios are a focal point of balancing topics and NC exemplify this. Even weapons themselves have this characteristic with sniper rifles being extremely deadly in the right hands yet useless to "most people". KD ratios are going to naturally be lower for the NC when so many players such as the ones in this topic treat the faction as they would the TR/VS when the three factions have very different playstyles, yet KD ratios among skilled players go up when switching to NC from another faction, that is undeniable and acts as proof of concept. NC favors accuracy, that offers less of an advantage to unskilled players over high clip bullet spam or low recoil zero gravity bullets. This is not because NC weapons are bad, it's because the playstyle of bad players is to spam bullets in point blank. The faction weapons are not designed for that sort of playstyle, yet the players continue to whine about it instead of picking a faction that encourages that playstyle. I'm aware that most people can't aim too well and that's why there are two entire factions devoted to them. The NC is not one of them.
  4. Cookiepiledriver

    First off, bloom per second is a useless measure, because it doesn't take into account damage.

    The Orion and MSW-R have superior damage per bloom to most guns and tie with the EM1. Having a greater bloom per second does not imply less accuracy, it implies a greater rate of fire.... and a higher DPS.

    Your analogy with sniper rifles falls short due to the fact that CQC is highly mobile and more constrained by things that you can't affect, like server lag, which is precisely why measures like DPS matter more. Getting a headshot on a target that is jumping over you with a jetpack is usually aimbot material, or jumping through you and bunny hopping like a fiend.

    Even with a perfect connection, server lag and your opponents' latency make it very difficult to hit accurately when you're up in somebodys face.

    The "NC players are bad" argument is sort of vapid in itself, because there is no statistic to support it. In fact, if you don't assume a particular bias towards a faction, Higbys claim about K/D being low on the NC side, particularly for infantry is the proof in the pudding.
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  5. Kyutaru

    I'm trying to describe the color blue to a blind person.
  6. Cookiepiledriver

    Yes, you're so skilled and the rest of us are awful. That is the basis of your argument. Everybody should be as incredibly skilled as the "professional" quake players.

    Not to to mention that "bloom per second" is a meaningless and vapid concept, because the damage inflicted over the interval of the bloom is neglected.

    I'm sorry, but games aren't necessarily balanced around suprema, especially not Planetside 2, because this game never has and never will be "esport" material. MLG is just an advertising ploy like that "Ultimate Empire Showdown" in your signature.

    Killing people and dying a second later due to the server being unable to process your opponents death before he fired his last shots is commonplace. The hit detection, map balance and arguably the vehicle imbalances make this game as close to being MLG material as well WoW.
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  7. Kyutaru

    I deleted my two page write up to avoid arguing with you, but you're pushing the subject now. Fine.

    I'm experienced. Old school games trained players in twitch and high speed movement, tracking fast targets was a requirement. This was something anyone could do with practice, simply playing the game develops the skill. Modern shooters are significantly slower and do not force players to learn the same skills or techniques. Professional quake players? The Quake video I showed was of a bunch of random pubbers. Tribes: Ascend is full of players right now doing similar high speed stunts and they are by no means professional, they merely play a game that demands they learn that skill. Most of them sucked when they started. The problem with dealing with ignorant players is that the concept of what is pro skill and what is just average are totally off. Anything I show you is going to look like SORCERY when it's merely PRACTICE. You don't start playing an MMO knowing all your character's skills and abilities from the start, you level him up through 50 levels gaining skills over time and learning how to play the character eventually.

    You don't need to a pro player, you need to be good at aiming, and that's not something playing PlanetSide 2 teaches you how to do properly. Death is the best teacher and dying 12 million times in a quake arena WILL turn you into a skilled aimer by FORCE. You don't get the same tutorship in this game, yet the NC faction exists precisely for the players who HAVE earned their shooter degrees in headshots and tracking. You seriously just don't get it. Attempting to condense 10 years of visual-based lessons into a short summary for a person who hasn't experienced the training themselves is akin to trying to explain the color blue to a blind person!

    You even claimed that tracking a slow moving bunnyhopper is AIMBOT material. You're insane! The fastest and twitchiest light assault in the game is still much slower than any of the old games I've played, he might as well be standing still to me! Yet you consider positive aiming ability to be HACKWORTHY! This is the same lunacy that causes players to join servers and accuse the first skilled shooter that murders their team an obvious hacker! All because you haven't experienced what brutally unforgiving Spartan-style shooter training (known as Quake) can do for a player and consider anything even a mediocre twitch gamer can do to be witchcraft! You essentially don't even believe in what even bad players can accomplish with a little practice in the right setting, and trying to explain how wrong your perspective is would be like attempting to convince a mature adult that Santa Clause is ACTUALLY REAL!

    Being able to keep a cursor on a target does not require an aimbot or pro skills. Even mediocre CS:S players can manage that much. It requires time and practice, players who played the original deathmatch shooters have over a decade of murdering experience OVER someone who just started and the old games were much better teachers. You don't learn anything by fighting against bad players, you learn by getting your *** kicked.

    Damage per bloom is what's meaningless without bloom per second! Damage ~itself~ is meaningless without cpnsideration for accuracy! You're basically just renaming damage per SHOT since bloom is on a per SHOT basis. Bloom per second measures sustained accuracy during fullauto, higher bloom per second weapons become inaccurate faster. Losing accuracy adversely affects damage per second because shots begin to miss more. Damage does NOT climb linearly with bloom, it drops off FASTER as bloom increases. A CARV does not do the same DPS throughout a 100 bullet fullauto magdump, it begins with good damage and rapidly drops lower and lower because shots are actually missing. Damage only matters when it hits! The longer you bloom for, the faster your effective damage falls. You become LESS of a threat to your enemies the longer you are firing. Yet "damage per bloom" doesn't explain that in the SLIGHTEST because accuracy is not something you can easily compare mathematically! It's possible, but it involves a lot of graphing and area formulas... too technical and it would require more knowledge of the game than we currently have. That's why performance tests exist, to actually compare two weapons FOR REAL according to whatever criteria you want set. Theorycrafting the day away with "damage per bloom" is useless! It provides no usable information at all! Bloom per second DOES by determining which weapons suffer the least from continued fullauto usage.

    I never stated the game was supposed to be balanced around suprema, Quake players are not suprema, they're simply more used to accuracy and tracking because of their training. NC makes the most use of the skills developed by those types of games, people who haven't played them are better off going on TR or VS because they have different playstyles. You're complaining that a faction (NC) with a different playstyle (ADS precision) from the one you want to engage in (hipfiring) is bad at that playstyle! You're also ignoring the faction (TR) that already exists that values that playstyle. If you are hipfiring NC weapons, you are doing it wrong and need to switch to TR!

    NC sucks at hipfiring while TR rocks at it, yet NC dominates the ADS game while TR is inaccurate. Not one weapon can compete with the Gauss SAW at mid to long range, yet you're upset that we have no weapons that can compete in hipfiring with an MSW-R, the best hipfiring LMG in the game. Your sense of balance is mind boggling.

    Simul kills have nothing to do with that! They were actually impossible previously! Simul kills were enabled when they changed bullet mechanics to allow for midair projectiles to still do damage after the firer died. They did this because people were firing rockets at tanks, dying to the tank, and having the rocket do ZERO damage to the tank because the server recognized the shooter as already DEAD. When they changed that, it became possible for bullets traveling in midair to kill you after the person who fired them already died. Most of the hit checking is done on your client. The same goes for your enemy. If he's lagging, you will show up on his screen in a spot that you were actually at two seconds ago. Likewise, if you killed him on your screen, you need to inform the server of that, then the server needs to inform him of that. The entire time this is happening he is still able to shoot at you!
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  8. Zaik

    No clue, the EM1 is a garbage version of the CARV. I don't even like the CARV, so I definitely wouldn't spend SC on the terribad NC copy of it.

    Anchor on the other hand, pretty great for mid-close range(non-bio lab facilities) while also having a tight enough hipfire CoF to not lose to everything in the game except bolt action sniper rifles when it comes to panic mode spray like the SAW does. I'm not a fan of using the laser dot on it though, I prefer the forward grip and use it similarly to the SAW, just a lot closer. Wish it had a 2x reflex on it though, drives me crazy that so many mid-close weapons don't have them while the slower long range ones that shouldn't use them do have them. I do run into ammo issues on occasion that I wouldn't with the SAW, but you still have 70 more than any other non-TR non-LMG so w/e
  9. MurderBunneh

    You are just making claims and talking out your ***. Just look at your guide it is terrible. Post your server and player name so we can see for ourselves.
  10. Bambolero

    Guys stop arguing with the chest thumping punk with a mouth lol.
    His walls of texts are trite.
    Just put him on ignore like I did, we'll all be much better for it.

    ADS while standing still or crouching in CQC is for suckers that get farmed.
    Maybe Kyutaru is hugging a room corner crouched waiting on someone to run in so he can headshot him from behind with his 'uber skillz'?
    I dunno.
    What I do know is you must keep on the move or you are toast.
    I'm a big fan of ADS myself,not much of a hipfire enthusiast but I gotta adapt to my enemy's play style.
    And my enemy's play style in CQC is flying/hopping/jumping/strafing/sprinting/hipfiring.

    And let's face it, you aren't headshooting jack shiat in that environment, especially not while ADS, you have more chance to score a headshot with hipfire spraying EM1 with double laser.
  11. Kyutaru

    Since you didn't point out a single issue and dismissed the entire post as a lump sum, you're the only one talking out of your *** here. Great job!

    Guide? What guide?? I've never even written a "guide", you're pulling things from your *** to try and discredit me while avoiding confronting the issues directly. I even wrote up proof that the damage/bloom horse manure being used as a defense by cookie and the doctor was a malarky, all I do is continue to prove you people don't have a clue about balance and you avoid challenging me because there is nothing you can sufficiently argue against. If you want to sit here and claim I'm wrong, then you better damn well prove it. One-liners and Bambo's ignorant hate posts just prove you HAVE no arguments to offer and must resort to acting like a spoiled whining brat who was just told he can't have his way. Could you possibly be more juvenile, I wonder?

    If I didn't give my info to gunshooter, I'm certainly not giving it to another forum troll. I will not be harassed during the game until a working /ignore feature is implemented, then you and the rest of the trolls can microrummage through in your pathetic quest to find fault with ME as a person so that you don't have to debate my logic. I'm not a stranger to attempts at marginalization and won't succumb to your trolling. Neither you nor cookie match your in game names and Bambolero doesn't even play NC, or the game itself, he merely logged in to create a level 1 character and promptly logged off after dying once.


    So please, continue your quest to find something wrong with me rather than something wrong with my posts simply because you lack the ability to come with any counterpoints.
  12. Skadi

    Anchor 4 turns your cannons into rail guns.
  13. Bambolero

    Noob, there is no char called Bambolero it's only my forum nic..
    I have 2 NCs on Miller, one on Matherson and I deleted one on Kobalt.
    Chest thumping (especially with nothing to back it up) is a sign of a loser...
    I still don't believe that you play the game, you just talk theory about a play style that doesn't exist in game, only in your head.
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  14. Kyutaru

    We just proved you're a liar.
    We just prove you're a liar again. The character was created 1 day after your forum account was.
    Given you've lied twice, fail to ever provide counterpoints, and only ever publish libel acts when you're wrong about something, I can safely say the same about you. You're a butt hurt aimless loser who gets his jollies by posting his baseless opinions, and when asked to back it up with sound reasoning, you can't because you have no idea what you're talking about and are just writing random words. You have failed sir, continue to do so.
  15. Bambolero

    Kido, you typed walls of texts in 4 different threads and here are the cliff notes of all that drivel and trite:

    "Gaiz gaiz, look at me, I can headshot people all over the place, even the bunny hoppers, runners, jumpers and LAs flying by, also, gaiz, I'm imune to flinch and screen shakes too, I'm not a pro, I'm SUPERPRO and that's the way NC should be played, you only need the SAW and headshots, like I do, so learn to play like me and stop complaining"..

    So who do you think will agree with you there?
    And what do you want us to counter exactly?
    How about you start by showing us your stats so we can check your headshot %?
    Oh, and make a screenshot of your bolt action kills too, so we can retract those from the sample...

    And that last post lol, talking about grasping at straws, kinda sad.
    Again, I don't have a char called bambolero why would I lie about that lololo, silly kid.
  16. Kyutaru

    Please quote source material for each of those accusations. I never called myself superpro, specifically said I was not pro, and stated that even average Quake players can do what you find to be impossible all because of gaming background. You are 38 years old, your reflexes are shot and spent, that's the only reason you can't accomplish the same feats. You know what Quake is, but did you ever play? Were you any good? The game came out when you were out of college and already past your prime, kids learn, think, and shoot faster than adults. As I've stated I'm 28, even my reflexes are dwindling from what they were in high school and college, yet I still retain my experience from those times.

    To start, the six people that liked the posts, along with the ones who agree and don't need to quote or challenge it. This is also the second time you failed to even understand what my point of view was, quit embarassing yourself.
    You don't counter my playstyle, which was never something you should have argued to begin with as you had no right to, you counter with why yours must exist for NC. We have lower ROF weapons all around and terrible hipfire on all of them, the faction's strengths lie with ADS. If you want great hipfire, you roll TR and use an MSW-R, then you can enjoy having terrible ADS. The Gauss SAW surpasses every LMG at mid to long range, the MSW-R surpasses every LMG at hipfire. Your counterpoint should be related to why you want to break the balance of the game.
    How about you introduce yourself before you demand someone's name? I'm sure your stats will support the reason why you feel twitch is impossible. Given that I cannot filter by CQC-only headshots, what would you hope to gather from the data besides more obvious trolling attempts to discredit my claims? You may have forgotten that this discussion was surrounding CQC and weapon stats record midrange and long range shots, not just close combat.
    As I play Heavy Assault and Medic exclusively, bolt action remains at zero. But more importantly, headshot ratios take into account long range combat, which NC is the best at, and getting headshots at long range is something completely different from doing so in close combat. Most of the kills you get with the Gauss SAW or Gauss Rifle are going to body shots at a distance, headshots happen in close combat. You haven't made a case for how you plan to prove headshot effectiveness in CQC based on a weapon ratio, you're just fishing for information to attest that it proves something that it does not. Denied.

    Same way you lied about having me on ignore, and I'm not a kid but your frequent attempts to claim as much are a sad display of your bitterness. Talking about grasping at straws...? It's clear you'll say anything to attack me even if its baseless, as you've been doing that from the very start.
  17. Bambolero

    Yes you are a kid, to me.
    Also, I'm not 38, that was the other poster, I'm a tad older then him.
    So, as technically old enough to be your father I'm just gonna end this discussion with a bit of an advice:

    - Cut the long posts, wise people don't need many words to put their point across, this is internet forum, while people will read other people's opinions nobody is interested in reading walls of texts.

    - Cut the chest thumping and the big talk (with no prove to show no less).
    We are talking about video games, gaming 'skills' aren't much of an accomplishment.
    Further, you are talking to people that are much older then you with a much longer gaming experience then you.
    I've played video games before you were born, literally.
    So stop acting like a pompus know-it-all, while comical at first it does get annoying after a while.
    Show respect to other posters and quit the condesending tone like you know something we don't lol, that's particulary funny.
    You arent special, you don't know any unknown 'secrets' of gaming, it's not a rocket science it's playing video games...

    Do all that and then maybe,... maybe someone will take you seriously.
    If not, you'll just stay a cocky kid with an atitude and ZERO credibility.
    Glad to help.
  18. Kyutaru

    That's exactly what I've been stating since the first post you trashed, that all of this is common video game knowledge that no one should be shocked over. You're the one who refused to believe in what even pubbies know to be possible and with good reason, you're a dinosaur! Everything we've been discussing is impossible for you! But the younger crowd does not suffer from this handicap, dad.

    If you would actually join topics and discuss your viewpoints and why you believe them, then someone might one day take you seriously too. But as it stands, you make senseless claims about what can or cannot be done and expect that to be the end of the subject, and how dare anyone challenge your fatherly authority by calling you wrong. After all, you provided so much in-depth evidence as to why you felt that way in the first... or not.

    This is a forum where we discuss opinions, the burden of proof is not on you nor I, but a reasonable man would at least expect an explanation for your thoughts. I'm the only one who bothered to give one. I can't tell if you're serious or just trolling some more, so it's safer to just ignore you.
  19. Ebonyheart

    Croak said:
    I have studied the data sheets and read a lot of opinions, but that one comparison sold me on the EM1. I have absolutely loved the NS-11A on my medic.
    Bought the EM1 tonight and only had enough certs for an IR/NV scope and laser to outfit it. Jumped into action and I must say I was very pleased.
  20. shakkar

    thank you for that!
    its exactly what i think!