Why Does NC Armor GLOW At Night?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Warlyik, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. drNovikov

    Same thing. I just don't play infiltrator at night. I have no chance to remain unseen. Light infantry is a better night infiltrator than infiltrator! No stupid glowing lines plus almost silent jetpack.



    In broad daylight I often remain unseen because I choose my positions carefully. But the darker it gets -- the brighter I glow. Developers, why?!
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  2. Saint-Ange

    Yellow color is the most detectable color, that's why in the nature as the human world it symbolize DANGER.

    Works on lateral peripheral vision showed that we detect yellow color 1.24 times faster than the red color, yes that means yellow is even more than twice more detectable than the red color.
    Lateral peripheral vision...
    Imagine when we look straight at it.

    Purple is not even present in the studying who concerned only colors with high detectability for security purpose.
  3. Krayus_Korianis

    That only means that Yellow is more detectable than red by 1.24 times, not twice more detectable than red.

    Green is the most detectable color in the spectrum in human eyes. Now imagine if they had green lights on their heads.
  4. Saint-Ange

    No no, ok mistake on twice, but yellow is the most detectable. Green is even after red.
  5. Turiel =RL=

  6. Koadster

    You could have pitch black armour... All the enemy has to do is hit that lovely Q button

    Shoot bullets in this direction
  7. Saint-Ange

    Challenge... I know approximately how old you are just by the fact you are using this word ;)

    The problem it's not about those who are already playing NC like us, it's all about the new comers, you know how the most of them will make their choice:
    1. Most populated server with a non penalizing ping
    2. Strongest faction
    3. Bad a$$ look and tools efficiency
    Do spam spotting if you want even if you don't see anything, but I'll never play that way, it's exploiting from my point of view
  8. SpaceMuppet

    NC is hard mode that's why, There's a reason why they were yellow, WHO GO'S INTO BATTLE WEARING YELLOW?

    If they made NC harder to see it would disadvantage Vanu as they are the known easy mode faction and the only people who play Vanu want easy mode, If you want to easy mode go Vanu.
  9. {joer

    If NC didn't glow how would the VS wearing giraffe armor not shoot each other? Guys think about balance would you!?
  10. {joer

  11. Turiel =RL=

    Should I say "opportunity" instead?
  12. NCf00

    Unsure, do you work in HR?
  13. Playful Pony

    I don't mind people spamming the spot button... I cannot count the amount of times I have been able to sneak up on and destroy an enemy Infiltrator or other class that was trying to remain undetected because he keeps yelling "ENEMY HEAVY" at the rock he's sitting behind...

    Keep on giving away your positions kids!
  14. hostilechild

    With the last patch not as easy as it use to be. You pretty much need to know the general area and have your crosshair on or near them. If you can't see them that is hard, if you think you saw something (glow) then its much easier to narrow down the area.
  15. CBCronin

    I just noticed last night that the forward compensator on my SAW actually glows. I don't know if it can be seen by others.... was odd, but fit with the over all theme and thought of this thread :).
  16. Warlyik

    Bump because this still hasn't been addressed.
  17. Sowahka

    I remember this thread from a distant past...
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  18. fish998

    Someone needs to do some fair and accurate screenshot (and maybe even movie) comparisons so we can get an answer to this issue one way or another. Best way to do this, move 3 characters to the same spot on the map (somewhere out of the way you're not going to be shot at, like errrr.... anywhere on Amerish :D ), one from each faction, with default camos, and a 4th to be the camera, and then get them to stand in a line and have the camera guy take screenshots at a variety of ranges and variety of light levels - dusk, night, dawn etc.

    Best way to do it would be to each take a sundie so you can change class and do a comparison for each class. 30 minutes work for 4 people and we won't need to have this thread again. I'll certainly volunteer my time. If I had 4 PCs I'd do it myself.
  19. Banick

    I believe he is talking about Infiltrator.

    We are the only faction with neons on our infil and it needs to change.
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