Why does everyone hate the banshee so much?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HippoCryties, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. HippoCryties

    I can farm hundreds of kills with PPA and AH yet as soon as I get a kill with the banshee the rage tells and bounties are almost endless... I mean I’m not complaining just curious. Got 5 different bounties in a 2 hour session yesterday it’s kinda funny
  2. Liewec123

    airhammer has a wide spread so you need to get up close to be effective,
    PPA is slow and the damage is way lower than it used to be,
    banshee spews death, tight cone, fast projectiles.
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  3. Scroffel5

    The Banshee is just so annoying. As Liewec123 said "It spews death." You can try to run, but you can't. You got a sundy with the shield on it? Doesnt matter because when that Banshee comes, your sundy is dead. Your engi's are dead. Your squad mates are dead. Same reason I don't like the TR Harrasser chaingun weapons. 1 or 2 of them is enough to do major damage to a fight.
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  4. Skraggz

    As someone that flies often, I favor Banshee on a mechanical level. While not effective against other ESF it is a far cry better then PPA, AH on the other hand doesnt suffer as much imo. Firing PPA requires me to spot and shoot on dorito as I can't see around the large slow moving orbs. Banshee is just a stream on target and I can see around it easily. PPA is to much splash damage, but its still functional in that sense. Again I have it chalked up as a functionality thing over anything else.
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  5. HippoCryties

    I’ve managed to dogfight with it.. but only against garbage pilots
  6. JobiWan

    I'm a crap pilot but after reading this I must have the Banshee. I've never used it.
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  7. Skraggz

    Even still its an AI that can AV (terrible yes) but do to mechanics behind it.... try shooting ppa at an esf, fun times. Also PPA blocks alot of view imo.
  8. Atorum

    I honestly suggest that you try TR for a while, you will love meeting NC MAXes if you think that Banshee is annoying.
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  9. Trebb

    I don't know why people hate the Banshee so much when the libs Spur seems just as bad, and on something that has 10x the health.

    That said, everytime my deathscreen is a beetlegeuse gun 2x in a row, or I die to an NC max, I instantly pull either a Banshee or Spur. It's therapeutic!
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  10. LaughingDead

    Banshee is the more reliable out of the 3 for continued combat. PPA is when nothing is going to shoot at you and the AH is more for when you just want to do a bombing run at lemmings that stand in one spot out in the open AKA things banshee already does well. If you miss with the AH that's a pretty big deal because making 2 shot kills into 3 shot kills means you have less kill potential per mag, banshee doesn't really have that issue since you can space bullets.

    Oh lord someone actually learned the spur is a terror.
  11. Rydenan

    All A2G is cancer in this game, but AI ESF is extra cancerous, and Banshee is the crown jewel of cheese on that steaming pile.

    Only thing that comes close in terms of 'low-skill-high-reward' is the Spur on the Lib.
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  12. Rydenan

    There are ways for an infantryman to kill an NC MAX.
    Not so with a Banshee ESF.
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  13. Skraggz

    Eh, you're a bit biased as there ARE ways, just ways you don't seem to agree with.
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  14. Rydenan

    Such as? Even a direct Decimator hit (which requires the pilot to be awful) isn't a OHK anymore.
    Anything else, and the pilot will simply fly away to repair. In the off chance that you do manage to destroy their aircraft, 90% chance they'll bail and you still won't get the kill.
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  15. Skraggz

    Deci is OHK unless they run composite, which they dont, they run flares/stealth, I do it all the time (no I dont expect you too as well). The weapons dont need to be ohk in order to counter btw... I think I have gotten to the bottom of why you dislike Air... you cant one shot them and they can run away from you if they are good... Says a lot. Could Infantry use more options? Sure. But you said they had NONE. Or at least that's how I interpreted "There are ways for an infantryman to kill an NC MAX.
    Not so with a Banshee ESF."
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  16. Rydenan

    Tell me: How does an infantry counter an ESF diving at them with Banshee?
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  17. Atorum

    By moving, its that simple, if you havent learned that standing still in Planetside is bad habit, well, thats your problem.
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  18. WinterAero

    Lol at the stupid in this thread. Is 'moving' supposed to be some sort of troll comment?

    Banshee always has been skilless cheese. A farm tool used by stat padding ******* and try hards. Thats about it. A2G is an utter joke and always has been. And that from someone who was 100% Mossy when Matti and others still played. ESF should be air duels/superiority only and have no way of engaging ground whatsoever short of conventional nose guns.

    Stop playing apologist for your broken junk. Banshee on the TR ESF platform is zzzzzzz.
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  19. Skraggz

    If you are without cover, and or not aware of the situation NO gun lock on or not, OHK or not.... will help you first off all. On top of that Literally any gun in the game... including a Pistol will deal damage to it. There are Times I have killed them with a sniper rifle, I have back to back Deci them. Again your original statement implied NOTHING could kill them, I have answered twice now, you have provided reasons for your failures but not a fact that it can't be done.

    Again as a sidenote, I am not arguing that Infantry could use a new tool, I agree.
  20. Skraggz

    If air only fought air... why would you pull are when objectives are ground base?(Air Support) You must be one of those that think PS2 shouldn't be an combined arms game.

    Also I have been flying for VS but good attempt you have there... I still get rage whispers for killing ppl with Maelstrom sooo Ya.