Why do you pull Anti-Air?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LonelyTerran, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. Shockfc

    To keep away large groups of aircraft... I use it as a *gasp* counter to Air.

    Breathe through your nose a little more please.
  2. Van Dax

    I roll out my skyguard occasionally to support our sundy convoy.
  3. Purg

    I don't do it as often now since more of my Platoon has certed into it. Early on it was 1 and 2. You didn't pull AA for the certs since it was easily the worst way to earn XP in the game until a couple of months ago when XP assists were brought in then the XP amount was boosted significantly.

    I can't say that I don't do it a little for 3 though. The entitlement is strong in the ESF - threads around here just add fuel to the fire.
  4. Xind

    A big healthy #4.
  5. CaptainRobust

    I pull AA because it's useful, and maybe a little out of spite. Shooting down guys with rocket pods is oh so satisfying and gives them a chance to actually be useful on the ground.
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  6. RemusVentanus

    Because an ESF blew my tank up and i want my revenge because i have to walk now. Also, no other aa around...
  7. FateJH

    Spite. I hate the air and everything in it.
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  8. Cl1mh4224rd

    I pull my dual Burster MAX to scare off aircraft. It's not that I get much of a chance to actually hit them, mind you; it's that, once I grab my MAX, those aircraft seem to just magically disappear.

    I'd consider pulling an ESF, but I can't fly for ****.
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  9. holycaveman

    I rarely pull AA anymore. ESF's are not really much of a threat compared to everything else.
  10. Havel

    3 and 4.

    Pilots are the scum of the earth, and the faster you force their boots back on the ground, the better.
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  11. holycaveman

    Honest post!

    I pull a HA with a lock on for the same reason. After a short time, the esf seem to dissapear. I may one get one kill, but jub done. Its too hard to counter 3 esf with a single esf. So you don't pull esf.
  12. gigastar

    Vengance and Spite.

    Vengance for the bad old days where the side with the most Libs was victorious.

    And spite because a high proportion of my vehicle deaths are to lolpodders.
  13. AssaultPig

    all of the above?
  14. AssaultPig

    all of the above?
  15. zukhov

    If you don't have AA the enemy fly boys smell it a mile off and are on you like flys on a turd.

    The moment the super pro pilots in my squad notice a bunch of infantry with no AA nearby all other objectives are ignore and they spawn air to get the juicy killz.
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  16. Eclipson

    To scare away aircraft. I can't lockdown and use buresters anymore, pilots seem to be adapting. Several times today I had pilots just swop around and ram me from behind, sine they knew I could turn 360 or move. Its pretty funny actually, as it usually ends up getting them killed, and you see their debree as the kill screen.
  17. Weirdkitten

    Unless there's an insane amount of stupid pilots on your server, cert grinding is probably the last reason to pull AA. If you do your job well, you'll be out of a job in 3 minutes and if you don't you're dead. It's also probably just about the most mindnumbingly boring thing you can do in this game.
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  18. Czuuk

    5. You play NC on Waterson vs TR zerg air and you want to leave the warp bubble sometimes.
  19. SikVvVidiT

    3 and 4

    I get soooo many less kills as AA, but I will spend a large portion of my time killing Air and then ill will get AV to try to kill ground.

    I hate vehicles in a FPS, and will spend the majority of my time trying to decimate those skilless Over Powered pieces of trash.
  20. Eclipson

    To scare away aircraft. I can't lockdown and use buresters anymore, pilots seem to be adapting. Several times today I had pilots just swop around and ram me from behind, sine they knew I could turn 360 or move. Its pretty funny actually, as it usually ends up getting them killed, and you see their debree as the kill screen.