Why do we only get assists on aircraft that crash?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Searingarrow, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Searingarrow

    It makes absolutely no sense. What possible reason could there be for this besides to screw over the person that shot them down? If you do damage to them and they crash you should get the kill credit for it.
  2. Quor

    Because it's hilarious when I'm burning up and I jump out, gun down the last sliver of health on my ship, and then fall to my death.
  3. Hael

    The short explanation: Because it's significantly easier (and faster for both the programmer and the hardware) to code for collisions when you don't have to account for an undefined number of special cases
  4. CoreDave

    Oh yeah, thats totally the reason, the hardware just couldn't handle it.Who know why they haven't done it but its not hardware limitations and as for programmer time, it would take an hour tops to code and test the necessaries conditional checks. The game already keeps track of the different damage dealers for assists and such, it would be simplicity itself to award the kill to the last assist (or biggest assist) in the event of a suicide.
  5. Searingarrow

    You mean it's hilarious to be a ******?
  6. Gustoril

    How about Vehicle disable points? BF3 had it which was designed so players were rewarded for damaging a vehicle for 50% of it's health, This way we don't miss out on the kill or destroy points and we are rewarded for our effort throughout a fight.

    Instead of only receiving kill assists after putting 80% of the effort in.

    I think it would be a nice addition, cause I sit in my skyguard and blast the air to the point of 20% health, they fly off and I get nothing. (not even a suppression/deter reward).
  7. Quor

    Pretty much, yeah.

    I mean sure, it'd be nice to get credit for the guys that do that. But honestly....it's not like aircraft pilots are hurting for XP now. Even as a dedicated A2A guy, I have no trouble pulling in 1-2 certs every minute or so on a slow day. And I could easily double or triple that if I pick up rocket pods.