Why do tr still use striker when it is bugged?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schwarzpferd, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. Schwarzpferd

    As I am sure everyone knows the striker is bugged so that if it locks a target, even after all missiles hit the lock on warning still stays, and when a striker locks again it does not reset, therefore you have no indication you are being locked. Yet despite this tr still spam this weapon.

    My question is why? Are tr really that lame as a whole that they are so desperate for kills that they use a weapon, that currently allows for no indication of being locked on by target?

    I find it kinda funny that they do this, and yet wonder why so many hate them....:eek:
  2. applepienation

    Because Striker and delicious tears.
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  3. DashRendar

    That was deep. Bro.
  4. KAHR-Alpha

    1) Only a few players use the forums or play several factions and know about this
    2) Outside of outfits, inter-players communication is almost non-existent so those who do know don't share the information
    3) Players have no control over said bug and have no idea if their target has already been locked once
    4) The current Striker is garbage anyway, I wonder why anyone still uses it at all actually
  5. SolRG

    Because the striker hurts. A lot.
    And a few of them is quite an effective air defence.
    And cause most of them have it. I doubt fractures will fall out of use after their AI damage is cut down. you probably won't see them all the time in biolabs and stuff, but they're better than the alternative. the striker is still better than other lock ons.
  6. Aegie

    I would not blame the players for a problem they did not create. Like others say, many may simply be unaware.

    When the Phoenix was OHK it happened over a 2x (iirc) XP bonus weekend and I started a campaign for NC players not to use them until they were fixed- actually purchased one myself with SC just so I could legitimately participate in a boycott until the fix- due to all the frustration they were causing. I still wonder how many players kept them in the locker until after the patching/nerfing.

    Still, it is not like they are really exploiting anything- they are using the item properly it just is not working properly and unfortunately the way it is not working properly is both really annoying to people with the constant "beep beep beep" but happens to give an game play advantage as well.

    Lay your blame squarely on the developers since it is really something they need to fix, not the gamers.
  7. Shadowyc

    Winning is all that matters. Use everything you can and make them suffer for their crime of living, the filthy Corporate Slaves and the repulsive Alien Worshiping Bastards! :mad:

    In all seriousness, they'd probably use it either way. No one cares about anything but crushing the other guy into a meaty little pile and winning X. X = Whatever they want X to be.
  8. Crackulous

    I would spam the Light PPA on armor to blind foes with giant balls of light if they didn't fix the bug. Why not? It's entertaining as hell.
  9. Pie Chasm

    I used it today once and killed somebody. It rarely happens.

    He was trying to take out a sunderer by himself with the rotary gun... he just hovered there, flared...

    .. then he came back and tried it again.

    I think that's the kind of person who complains about the striker.
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  10. MavCooL

    Coz its the most powerful RL so yes people just like poweful things
  11. Hoki

    Hey guys, guys. Guys. The OP thinks that lockons are an XP farm. Everyone point and laugh at him.

    Earth to Mars flyboy, strikers have never been good XP.

    We only bother carrying lock ons in order to deter getting farmed by hoverspamming noobs.

    Except rocketpods destroys all ESF deterrents so its a crapshoot at best.
  12. Ganelon

    Because VS spammed Magriders at insane levels back when Vanguards, Prowlers and Lightnings were shooting blanks (I counted 50+ Mags at a single base).
    That and ZOE MAX spam.

    P.S. The Striker barely nets me any kills, but it is statisfying to see 70 red glowing orbs moving towards a single sunderer trying to get up a hill (<3 Red ridge communications).