Why do people relocate when it gets tough?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Karetan, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Tuco

    The "organized ones" like to leave their own teammates twisting in the wind at least once every 10 minutes. Watch the map like a hawk, the enemy isn't the only you have to keep an eye on.
  2. UGoBoy

    Also consider that some players have a playstyle that they enjoy more than others (vehicles, mid-range, melee, etc). When a fight doesn't suit them, they go elsewhere.

    What I wish is that the sudden loss of troops meant was that playera were dropping back to get vehicles or flank, but that usually doesn't happen until the base is already capped :-(
  3. Darkwulf

    The reason is a lot of people are not in it for the infantry good fight grind battles. I

    If you notice there is a war going on. The object is to take the map, not grind to a halt in one location. Sometimes it makes more sense to relocate to gain ground on the enemy.

    Devil dogs are really good for this, they bounce around all the time and play the entire map for the greater good of their faction. It is not always the most fun way to play, but it is the most effective for the team.

    This will all be more apparent when continent locking comes into play. You will see it pan out more like PS1 and clans like devil dogs will shine.

    Remember this is not COD or Battlefield. There is a bigger picture happening, the problem is most people are clueless to it.
  4. Tuco

    Strategy in real world involves the risk of moving your army. There's no risk in moving anywhere when you can teleport all over the place with such ease.
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    this game needs optional HARDCORE servers that existing characters can transfer to in order to play with limited hud, no spotting, no minimap, no /suicide, no redeploy, no instant action, no squad deploy

    just a real hardcore large-scale planetside game experience where logistics and troop transport actually play a crucial role instead of teleporting everywhere within seconds:mad:
    • Up x 1
  6. DQCraze

    Hmm. Was a more important territory under threat? I have moved my platoon out of an area because it was turning in favor of the enemy. I've been playing long enough to know when my troops are getting wrecked and I move to a better opportunity. This is purely based on what is happening on the map and is never a kneejerk reaction.
  7. LT_Latency

    LIFE TIME KDR Records. Contents and Alerts come and go. But your KDR is forever.

    People leave so they can have good stats.
  8. NC_agent00kevin

    They wouldnt if a redeploy counted as a death :p
  9. Morchai

    Nor would they if they got rid of the death stat altogether. People might take more chances if their deaths wasn't recorded.
  10. GoEErs

    Perhaps the outcome of the fight was in question at the time and troops were needed to stabilize another hex. They made the decision to relocate to the new hex and resecure. They didn't stop fighting. They just fought somewhere else. Food for thought I guess.