Why do MAX's have Charge?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    It makes the ES abilities look bad or not be used.

    It causes balance problem with the MAX's design.(makes them too mobile & allows them to have a "get out of jail free card")

    I just don't see the point of Charge existing any more considering the repercussions its had with inter class balance.
  2. Dirge

    Because big lumbering mechs need to be able to run away from anything remotely dangerous. Totally makes sense.
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  3. FateJH

    But the ES abilities are bad. Even without Charge, they're just not that good, even in the corner cases where they are good for something.

    ZOE was the only one that was good for a while and that's because it was broken.
  4. Liewec123

    because otherwise you'd never see a max, noone wants to spend 450 resources and get c4ed by a fairy 30 seconds later. ;)
    lockdown is awesome for burster and AA max, and if you have a tactical squad even AI lockdown can be very potent.

    the best use i've found for aegis so far is covering a fallen ally while a medic rezzes them,
    also if you're fast enough when a fairy drops C4 you can raise the shield to mitigate all of the damage,
    its also great when you know that heavy around the corner is about to fire a rocket in your face.

    also lets face facts, a max phalanx is freaking COOL :D

    ZoE...k zoe sucks for everything except AA, the damage buff to bursters is respectable, but it sucks for everything else.
    deal 12% more damage in cqc, deal less damage than default outside of cqc), take 24% more damage....
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  5. Cheezy Q

    I'd love to see that ability disappear, and see a 25% decrease in overall speed for the Max.
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  6. Antillie

    Eh, get rid of charge and knock MAXs down to 400 nanites maybe? At least then we will get some faction flavor with the ability slot. Even if said abilities are rather meh.
  7. Azawarau

    Youre joking ._.

    Lockdown for TR is monstrous and absolutely shadows charge even in the field

    NC shield makes it survivable enough to play solo or push any position. You dont have to run because you didnt take damage in the first place

    You can take on tanks directly as well as aircraft

    Vanu is arguable but they do pack a punch with ZoE given its face first
  8. Tankcrusher

    Primary reasons Charge exists.

    #1. C4, Used by nearly everyone for anything, and anywhere, but primarily light assaults. One of the favorite methods for instagibing a max without flak armor.

    #2. Quickly closing the gap on enemies. or fleeing enemies, or getting to a hotspot to fire-support quicker. or move from cover to cover. This is likely the reason it was designed so should be #1 but once again its primarily used to escape C4 spam.

    #3. Arguably better than Zoe (I have little to say about it other than 'Nope'), Lockdown is situational but makes you a magnet for incoming firea nd C4 but its great for ambushes and AA,. NC Shield is fairly viable in gun fights long or short range., and occasional gap closing.

    Not complaining about C4 because that's just how it is and good reason to run flak. But charge has its purpose and can just as easily propel anyone into trouble as out of it.
  9. DooDooBreff

    lockdown is not bad...

    in fact, its
    friggin amazing IMO. just not for AI weapons
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  10. Endlave

    remove C4 from the game and you can take out the charge for all I care.
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  11. Pikachu

    In general the devs have trouble adding stuff that people like as much as what has been around since release. Basr, rocket pods, charge, decimator, Indar etc are still go-to options. Gatekeeper being a big rare exception , also happened to come with a lot of balance complaints.
  12. Taemien

    Charge acts as a filter. It shows us who needs to L2P when they make a post about it.

    Come on now, of all the things to bring up, you bring up a mediocre one.
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  13. Scr1nRusher

    Its a well known problem with the MAX.
  14. TheFlamingLemon

    Charge seems like it would make a good VS specific ability to replace ZOE.
  15. FateJH

    It's well-known, but it's not a problem.
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  16. Reclaimer77

    It does seem kind of stupid to balance something around mobility, then give it a way to completely obliterate that balance with a special that makes mobility a non-issue in the first place.

    That's like balancing Stalker Infil around the secondary weapon slot, but giving them a pistol that shoots Vanguard shells.
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  17. Scr1nRusher

    If it wasn't a problem, MAX's would be less of a problem now wouldn't they?
  18. Reclaimer77

    Charge should be a Light Assault tool!

    Yeah I said it. Those noobs in failsuits don't deserve that much mobility.
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  19. FateJH

    The problem people generally have with MAXes follows the same syntax as the problems they gripe about with with HA's. "I'm shooting at him and shooting at him and I feel like shot at him way too much by this point. Why isn't he dead yet?"
    I like that idea, though I think the need to say that is as much a failure of the Adrenaline Pump to please as it is the chronic lack of tool for Light Assaults.
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  20. Crayv

    Lockdown is great.... for giving me Archer kills.