Why do I "Desync" EVERYTIME I play?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Tatwi, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Tatwi

    Every time I play at some point everyone will fly around the screen and when it clears up, no matter how many times I respawn nor where I go, I can no longer interact with the world. My shots do not register at all. I just unloaded a whole weapon's worth of ammo into an infiltrator from point blank. On my screen it shows the hit animation, but he kept right on living. Next thing I know, a TR sniper decided to kill that infiltrator I was shooting then the TR also killed me. No idea if he meant to kill me or if I was hit because I standing behind the other guy...

    Anyhow, this game is still as woefully unplayable as it was when I quit in March. It's a total waste of time.

    This same time last year, during "beta", I had no issues with the game at all (apart from low FPS, but not as low as they get now....).

    It's unacceptable. Email me when you fix the game. You know what, on second thought, don't bother, I doubt I'll be up to playing when I'm in my 90s...
  2. phreec

    Could be that Asus board of yours being the culprit.

  3. Tatwi

    thank you for the suggestion, but I do not have that software installed. I never install that sort of bloatware lol... Also have all the power saving and clock changing features disabled, memory timings set manually, etc. ye o'l bios. Also, happens when running at standard clock speed as well as when over clocked. Not a heat problem, I have a large heat pipe HSF unit and temps never go over 46C. Blah, blah, etc., etc. I've read nearly every thread on this forum...
  4. Rogueghost

    I have an outfit member that desyncs all the time and his desyncing issue is caused by his isp, although he normally only desyncs after 20-30 minutes rather then every 5.
  5. LibertyRevolution

    Set your CPU speed manually, do no use "Auto" on an Asus board. You will dsync as its clocks will fluctuate on auto...
    Happens on my M3A78-CM Asus board running on "auto", I set the multiplier and FSB manually and no more dsync.
  6. Tatwi

    Perhaps you did not read in that part you quoted that I DO THAT.... *facepalm*
  7. LibertyRevolution

    You never said you have your CPU timings set manually... You said at stock speed, which most people use "Auto" for..

    It don't mater how big your HSF is on your asus board, it is the VRM overheat that causes the dsync on overclocking asus boards...

    Go run prime95 for 10 mins on torture test max heat while having CPU-Z open to montior your cpu clocks.

    The problem is your motherboard.. 90% of the people with issues are running asus boards.
    Go google Asus VRM overheat...
  8. Tatwi

    Yup, I know that too. Thanks for coming out, champ.
  9. Tatwi

    Sorry, LibertyRevolution, I do appreciate your time. Truth is though, I've been a computer hardware/linux enthusiast since 1998 and ran a small "brick and mortar" computer store, repairing and building PCs, laptops, and servers. I actually know what I am talking about and know how to fix my own issues. I really only posted this rant to remind SOE that their game is broken and thus, not worth paying for.

    Ps. I once made a custom VRM heatsink out a piece of 2.5" copper pipe for something to do. :p
  10. LibertyRevolution

    Ah sorry man, just trying to help.
  11. Cromell

    So, you're actually taking your time to jerk off on the forums about how the game is "completely unplayable" (even though apparently there's enough people that can actually play it)... for what exactly?