Why do hackers hack?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Raichu

    What's the point?
  2. 7Elite7

    Certs, ease of use, getting back at the other team for hacking, makes the game fun for them, funny as a griefing tool.
  3. Raichu

    But wouldnt they get banned why would the certs matter I get the other stuff
  4. phreec

    To spawn Sundies, duh.

    Most of said hackers are nothing but script kiddies.
  5. HadesR

    To make their small non-factor life more interesting ?
  6. Sobieski14

    They don't care about certs, they can easily get it all back.
    * With another account.

    If you want a simple answer, they hack because they can.
    * They simply enjoy ruining another legit players experience.

    Plus, it is not as bad as the DayZ hackers/scripters.
  7. Brusilov [TR]

    The same reason 12 year old xbox halo players that carry on about people mothers.

    It's a new an amazing thing they just discovered and they do not yet have the common sense and maturity to realise that it is unacceptable, community destroying behavior.

    Learning that you can use the internet to semi-anonymously affect others in a negative way is something that everyone has to learn sometimes. I spose there will always be a small portion of fatherless, misguided, ethically questionable people, who never really graduate to simple, middle-of-the-road, facebook and forum trolling.... Like the rest of us :)
  8. Phazaar

    It's more about trolling. Proper trolling, though. Asking this is like asking why kids teepee houses, or let down your tyres.

    People like making other people suffer, or sapping their fun/happiness.

    Jump on a few hack-sites facebook pages and have a look at what their users say when new hacks are coming out. It's always something along the lines of 'OMG I CAN JUST TASTE THE QQ' or whatever.

    No one does it for the gains; maybe a couple of people who enjoy the risk factor, but other than that it's so easy to gain certs, hacking doesn't really help you out. It's about the lols.
  9. ps2x518

    There's really nothing you can do about hacking. You ban them 100 times they will just keep coming back as long as the game is free to play.
  10. Gamertech

    Nope, SOE only suspends them for a week now...too much effort to ban them apparently...

    There's a few reasons why they do it

    The Griefers - To get some self-perceived 'lolz' out of trying to piss other people off without realising that every person they come across including their own parents probably thinks they are completely mentally retar'ded and their mum's probably wish they had an abortion
    Job Prospects - 0, they will piss off any prospective employer so much due to their overly high opinion of themselves that they couldn't even get a job cleaning the trash at Macca's. Dole bludgers for life

    The Brain-dead - The script-kiddies lack of skill and brainpower means that the only way they can play something harder than 'My Little Pony: Adventures' is to use a script made by someone else (as, being complete dumbas'ses, they have absolutely no idea how to do it themselves)
    Job Prospects - Trash collector or politician, whichever uses the smallest words on TV

    The 'I Hack to Make myself Look Good' - Again they suck so much at competitive games that they couldn't fight their way out of a soaking wet paper bag with a huge hole in the side and neon-signs saying 'exit here', the difference is this lot realise it and their self-esteem has hit the ground and started digging, so they need hacks to prove to themselves that they are awesome and can own anyone without even trying, even though what it really means is that they are the dumbest no-life ******* ever to befoul this planet...
    Job Prospects - None, will become a hermit, never getting a job or even get laid due to the fact that no-one likes a loser

    There's more but those are the main ones, the common theme with all of them being that they suck big hairy ones :p
  11. Zaik

    They're not playing this game. They're playing a different game, one where they win if someone gets mad.
  12. Raichu

    Hey guys. I know everyone here has a strong hate towards hackers. But can we keep this clean and friendly. Thanks.
  13. CupidStunts

    If Sony do not admit to this. Our whole org will use hax for fun. WARNING
  14. MurderBunneh

    You guys are forgetting about the most pathetic of hackers and those are the ones that try to be low key blend in and look like legit pro players. These are the Lance Armstrongs of gaming and I truly despise them.
    • Up x 2
  15. CupidStunts

    The effect will be minimal. But in DJ's we trust so / aim to ruin. MAX **** - we destroy lesser houses./

    We setting a date to mass the HAX - al there servivece will be denied over the weekend?

    Comes around / goes around./

    IP hunters. Can't find today will get tomorrow

    Some u guys trace in 4 mins, :)

    we are elite? tel u direct address?/ move forward.<> f u c k i n g H A X

  16. Cyridius

    If they get caught.
  17. TimeyWimey

    For fun I guess. Or maybe they're just frustrated because they just happen to suck so bad and have to hack to level the ground. Dunno.
  18. Sapare

    Whoa here, hold your horses. What do you have against Ponies? I let you know that if you look at my chars stats they are very legit, and not bad for an mostly LA.
  19. Zaik

    this guy seems legit.
  20. Vultraz

    This guy just made sense