[Suggestion] Why do engineers not engineer?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Builticus, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Builticus

    Why does it feel like the engineers just a cheap knock off of a generic "TF2" modelled engineer? Sentry gun, repairs and ammo dispensing.

    Engineers should be able to build entrenchments ie: sandbags, bunkers (with a futuristic theme of course, and without the ability to build them to block doorways and entrances and the like). This could add a lot of team play into the game, by allowing groups of engineers to build forward bases etc., complete with time expiration repair bays and terminals.

    The idea of building bridges and ramps into hard to reach terrain would be pretty cool as well, and add some interesting tactics that could promote even more team play.

    Engineers are also sappers, and it would be awesome if a team of engineers could collaborate on an explosives project to break a facilities walls in, and allow an entry point thats unpredictable, could add a lot of depth to the game itself. (Thats kinda stretching it though.)

    Obviously it all looks kinda OP that an engineer could do so much, but balancing it out, so a pool of engineers are required to build massive projects is key. Or, engineers could have "build points/resources", so theres only a max number of things that can be built by an individual. Besides, the battlefields shift rather quickly, and no ones gonna spend 3 hours sitting on their project.

    Just my 2 cents.
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  2. Selrahc4040

    It's a fun concept, and one that's been suggested before, but it's not feasible. Even if you were to have ways to prevent people placing them in doorways and the like, you would still have more pillboxes lying around in useless or annoying places than you know what to do with. As for demolishing walls and such, the issue there is that PS2 doesn't have a "map reset" every thirty minutes, and so you'd have no bases left after a few hours of demolishing.
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  3. Builticus

    They could put timers on structures so they disappear, much like vehicles.

    If walls are breached, and either the base is captured or defended, everything should be reset, much like SCU's and generators.
  4. Quiiliitiila

    Oh I feel you Builticus, how I wish Engineers could actually fabricate things like walls and small pillboxes in order to set up a small base or encampment as an extra line of defense or a forward assault command center.

    It sucks too that we are limited between choosing one item/ability from another. I'd like the capability to be able to fabricate multiple things, not just one. Perhaps some type of system that breaks all of the deployables down into categories and you could have one of each equipped? Like one turret, one type of mine, one "defensive" and one support.

    Knowing SOE's class model though, this will never happen and we'll be forever forced to choose one utility over another.

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  5. Ceskaz

    Building froward base with pillbox (full of nanites of course) would be awesome. I really hope they will come to such things in the future.
  6. Haquim

    I really like this idea A LOT.

    As long as the engineer can't do anything thats actually modifying the terrain (like digging trenches) it shouldn't be too difficult for the devs to implement if they wanted to, although of course still a lot of work.
    The first thing that came to my mind was the vision of 12 engineers flying in per gal and constructing some kind of fortified spawnpoint with some actual turrets and heavy cover by expending 5k inf-resources and 5 minutes of work (with 12 engis!). And then proceeding to rush a tower with reinforcements spawing from that newly constructed outpost - till the outpost gets obliterated by heavy HE fire from a platoon of vanguards.

    Ahh the possibilities.... :D

    While I would really like this I also think it would be a feature that only a selected few could really appreciate. I think for now the developers should concentrate on stuff like hossin and the battle isles. You know - things that more people look forward to and that don't need such amounts of coordination and teamplay to successfully pull off.

    But those dreams of a possible future that are painted here sure are quite enticing sometimes
  7. Ttariel

    I would be happy if other people could at least use my basic turret (AV might be to much)
    What is the point of the thing if it will just reduce to ****** cover for my teammates .
  8. Ryekir

    Throughout most of beta, there was a cert listed (though I don't think they even started any implementation) for a deploy-able shield that engineers could set up. I'm hoping that with the Engineer update that's coming (eventually), we'll get cool toys such as that.

    I really like the idea of bridges and ramps, could be smaller, deployable versions of the "light bridges" from the Interlink facility and some bases on the new Amerish.