Has this ever happened to you? You're on the edge of a firefight - you scramble up the rock, engage, drop an enemy or two, maybe take a couple of hits, then back down and squat - one moment, health kit, and then stand ba- **ARGH** -- you're dead - a teammate, a friendly infiltrator killed you. WTF? You had it coming - you don't have any situational awareness, and you were killing him first. 99 times out of 100 an inf will kill you as a method of self-preservation - you're not checking your tactical map, you're not looking around, and you don't even notice your teammate who's already on the hillside, cloaked, spotting the enemy and picking them off, when you run up and plant yourself right beside them and start drawing fire. Same for infiltrators -- pay attention, because if you're sitting in the sweet spot and you uncloak, you're drawing fire down on everyone in a 5 meter radius, including your cloaked teammates. It's a team game, guys, whether you want it to be or not, and your actions can get your teammates killed - so don't be surprised when they decide to drop you instead of letting you get them shot.
If I find an Infiltrator that teamkills me like that, I try to find them and return the favor. They have the option to, you know, "talk" instead of instantly trying to kill you over a thing that isn't your fault. The Infiltrator makes a lot of stupid assumptions (that I'm not checking my tactical map, looking around or notice a teammate who is doing nothing except maybe benefit from my actions and not bright enough to see it). And they kill me for it? I mean it's a teamgame right? So why don't you start communicating? Or learning that your own idea of how important you are and that you can randomly kill allies because of a mistaken situational awareness is not a good thing? Edit: also if you get "discovered" by an ally like that you have failed as an infiltrator because of: 1: where the hell are you standing that the mere presence of someone reveals you?!? Cloak is in support of stealth, its not stealth itself dummie! 2: you should have had the situational awareness of their presence and used their distraction for safe movement or ambushes 3: supported your ally directly 4: realized your ally is doing a better job at both spotting and killing allies so you just move to a new location.
Well how about the Infiltrator learns some situational awareness and adjust his playstyle to the situation - sounds like a "Git Gud" problem to be honest
I have played an infil for the longest time and when players do this I just move to another location. I don't feel I have the right to TK them either cause they may not have noticed me, and I don't have to do the work of the enemy for them.
I get your point. This happens often to me and it's really annoying. It's rule 134 to learn in the game: Don't stand close to cloaked allies and draw fire. But you also shall not forget rule 1 in the game: Don't shoot allies!
I have been able to share space with infil players countless times as a non-infil and never once had this happen. This is not, nor should it ever be considered acceptable behavior. I can also assure you that if for some reason this did happen either to myself or most people, 100 times out of 100 the infil in question would get sent to the Shadow Realm. You are not Chris Kyle. You are not that important. Play your game, but please behave like a damn adult.
Nice sig. Nope, that has never happened to me. And it better not. Expect to be reported if it does. Who do you think you are? This is an entitled load of tripe. You're judging others gameplay through such a narcissistic lens that you find it's ok to TK them over it? You just what? Shoot noobs? What did you expect from this post? Affirmation? I suggest you recalibrate your attitude about the game.
The battlefield evolves during a fight, and sometimes the cloaked pansies get their turn in the floral arrangement. Not because it is anyone's fault, but adapting to the changes is what means you are actually situationally aware, not TKing the meatsacks spawning from the Sunderer behind your little hill of superiority.
Its also questionable how effective you are as a infiltrator on a hill when you feel the need to teamkill just so the enemies dont know you are there. I mean.. are you doing anything at all on that hill? Why dont the enemy know about you already? 0 kills and likely too far away from allies that spotting people do not actually do anything because unless its been changed its only allies 100m(?) from YOU that will get the spotted enemy show up for them but if you are within 100m of your allies then it kinda guarantees the enemy is already looking your way anyway and there should be no surprise to you if some random allied HA finds their way to your location being that close to the spawn/Sunderer they are coming from. You are well within the expected 'roaming range' of random people going from Sunderer to objective if your spots will do anything for them. If you do not have 0 kills then tough luck, the guy/s you killed knows exactly where you are and if you are having any sort of impact on the fight then half a dozen or a dozen people knows where you are without any allied infantry ruining your hiding spot and you should probably welcome random HAs shooting from where you are as they will be bait added security if enemies comes looking for you.
Gonna be real with you here as fellow infiltrator: I never had it happen to me, and it better not. TK'ing is NOT acceptable behavior, you do not have a claim to an area of the game. It's one thing if you accidentally TK someone that got inbetween you and the target. But I cannot stress this enough, It's an incredibly toxic mindset to straight up kill anyone who gets close to you. Yes, it is frustrating. But that doesn't warrant TK'ing, ever. Period.
The more I think about this situation, less sense it makes. If you wanted to be stealthy, then why kill your teammate in the first place? If you shoot him, you telegraph your location to anyone who's paying attention : muzzle flash from your weapon lights you up, bullet tracer gives away from where you shot him and you're now a red dot on a minimap. You're stealthier if you just let him be. In fact, why not do the smart thing? Let the guy stay, move away to a different spot and let the guy act as a distraction, maybe shoot the fellas chasing him, then kill enemies as they're busy looking for him/shooting him. Boom, he's alive and you're both getting kills. And it's not like your position is some godly, long-lasting advantage : everyone you kill can see you and your exact position from the death camera, and it's better to move around after a few kills anyways. This seems like a poor excuse for a TK to me.
That has never happened to me. No infiltrator I have met acts like this and I have NEVER killed an ally for self preservation... If I think you are doing too much around me, I cloak and move away from you, or use you as bate. I treat purposeful team killers like trash. I have even gone as far as to drop an orbital on them and their outfit, when their outfit members laughed about it and did not deal with them properly. Their leader apologized and kicked a whole BUNCH of people that day and asked me not to "Blacklist" or place bounties his Outfit. Apparently you can do that on this game. If you are doing this for real, knock it off, because you are going to give your Outfit a bad name, and they will handle you. It is for worse if you are actually the leader, because some people are vengeful but can only remember an Outfit tags. (I used to be that way before I learned most Outfit leaders took that crap EXTREMELY seriously.) You can wind up getting your people slaughtered and they will not even know why.
I don't get it. You died from a friendly sniper? Were you standing in front of the enemy cloaked? Or just to the side sitting cloaked & still got shot? As a knifer, ye I've been shot by everyone on the server at least once vs too. You also get to clear all the enemy mines, with your dead self, for your faction. Deep op takes 1 spec, so I don't normally run sweeper hud. & I run fast. I don't know if this is what you were explaining. Tho the most bothersome tk, isn't getting shot in the back from far away. It's when some ally, decides to hangout NEXT TO YOU while your cloaked. & He's shooting at enemies. Essentiall taking a piss break, 1 foot away from you. Then the enemy just Brrrrrr bullets your way & you both die or just you die. " dude I'm hiding at this box go away. shoo " I don't just get plain out sniped that often by a ally, like your mentioning. Mainly when you have red life & are worried about anyone at all touching you, with 1% hp left. I like mines more than med kits. Def people throwing grenades or shooting blindly down tunnels erks me. I have to dodge all that just to start dodging enemy fire too. Infil at pistol range is a funny class tho. You have to guess " If " the enemy saw you or not. While staring at their face, crouched few feet away. A slight intuitive situation to ponder. To run away or stay put.
This is exactly his problem. An ally stands close to you and alerts enemies to your presence. But I question how? I can only think of scenario's where you actively follow an ally around for this to happen. As a non-stalker you should be using cover anyway. You'd have to be peeking corners as an ally stands next to you when the enemy opens fire and accidentally hit you. Protip: duck back behind cover. If you were moving, then you'd have to move away from cover and your ally right? Its not like its his fault if you dont spot yourself being in a potential firing line! As a Stalker... what the hell are you doing at the front line in a walking path anyway? You are still better off hugging cover most of the time and the moment you try to be stealthy out in the open you should be trying to avoid the center of the path and firing lines anyway. You'd have to actively put yourself in harms way for an ally to reveal you this way. And if you truly are hiding at a box... why not actually hide behind it and avoid the bulletstorm? Seems more like shifting the blame to your ally rather than looking at what you did wrong.
Well, as a Stalker, he would be at the front lines because that is what he is built for. You are relegated to secondary weapons; none of which are the best at distance play for real. Hunters and Armored Cloaks are distance killers. But his situations seem to be hovering around him being a Hunter in the mountains somewhere, and a random Light Assault flies up there and starts shooting. The enemy shoots back, and because of the inconvenience of additional targets shooting in their direction, he kills them, or even does it before hand to prevent this from happening.... I am at a loss as to why as well, given the over all tactic with a distance Cloak is to be behind some cover at all times, so the only real danger is from another sniper swiftly being able to hit you in the head in the split second you De-cloak to fire. Not to mention, the fact that an ally without a Cloak is priceless when it comes to bringing meat to the feeding table as well a add a living decoy for TRUE Stalkers. I cannot count how many times I have been in an area, I knew the enemy would not be able to get to me, so I set up shop, an few allies come and start shooting while I am picking off, and while I am waiting for the enemy to return fire, a Stalker de-cloaks right NEXT to me and kills somebody, alerting me to their presence and I kill them. You actually NEED them, why on earth would you kill your LITERAL body guards? There is only ONE kind of true annoyance out there that has made me WANT to kill them, and that is a Traitor that follows you and sits there and shines a Black-Light on you actively TRYING to get you killed because they do not like how you are playing.... Even THIS is no excuse to pull that trigger yourself as I easily deal with them by running right out into the open and listen to him get gunned down by everyone shooting at the idiot with the flashlight on.... So I fully agree with your last statement.