Why did I just get 200 certs?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by nella, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. nella

    I had around 9970-9980 certs when it suddenly went up to 10180 which is above the limit. New years eve gift? Glitch? Compensation for something?
  2. Spiritualised

    spend them and tell SOE its your policy not to issue refunds :)
    • Up x 2
  3. MrPokealot

    Lol thats weird I think one of my clanmates complained of the same thing
  4. witherstaff

    Did you get a gold medal on a weapon? +100 X double exp
  5. nella

    That must be it I guess. I'm never paying attention to medals, I didn't even know you got that kind of reward for getting the medals. But I sure will work to get some more before double xp ends. Thanks!
  6. Gaseous Snake

    Huh? So double exp doubles your cert gain with Auraxium medal? That doesn't make any sense since that medal simply unlocks certs and is not linked to exp.
  7. Lazaruz

    The Auraxium medal has been "bugged" for as long as I remember. It is supposed to give 100 certs but gives 200, I for one am not that anxious to see it fixed :D

    Just remember: "When life is good, there is no reason to question why".
  8. Jac70

    I had this about 2 nights ago - had 30 or so certs, looked back a little later and then had 232 so 200 certs had appeared from nowhere.

    Now, the only weapon that was close to gaining an Auraxium medal was my H-V45 rifle. In stats though it displays still as a gold medal with about 1104 kills and kills needed for next medal at around 48. I would have thought that 1000 was the number needed, not some weird figure like 1152.

    Seems there is some weirdness with the stats page in the game. I got 5 certs for my Hailstorm turbo laser but I cannot see a listing for that anywhere on the stats page.
  9. LameFox

    Unless people start to look at you hungrily.
  10. Lazaruz

    First medal 10 kills
    Second Medal 50 kills
    Third Medal 100 kills
    Final medal 1000 kills
    1160 kills in total.

    You also get medals for various vehicle weapons, although they are not listed anywhere.
    The medal system needs some work, but I think it's low on the priority list.
  11. Jac70

    I just checked and for the H-V45 I have 1131 kills and need 24 more for the Auraxium medal. So it seems the stats page is not counting or updating properly. That does tell me that I didn't get those 200 certs from that rifle though. The only other thing I could think that would net me an Auraxium medal would be the Magrider PC but the stats page lists my Mag as having 967 kills so it can't be that either.
  12. Dovahkiin

    It's not bugged.
    It's 2x XP that's why.

    Also, If you just managed to get 200 certs that you didn't deserve, why the F**K are you complaining.

    200 certs can buy you C4. C4 = VERY useful