Why can't we shoot down rockets?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lightwolf, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Lightwolf

    Just what the title says. Why can't things like A30s perform point defense? Why can't we shoot down rockets in flight?
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  2. Akashar

    That'd be sooo good! :)
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  3. nightbird

    Because it's currently an NC specific weakness?
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  4. dstock

    You can shoot down all lock-ons, and the NC phoenixes. Actually, I'm not 100% on the Striker, but I'd imagine it's the same as the others, only more annoying.

    1 hit w/ Basilisk, 2 w/ Walker. I know Kobalt used to be 2 hits on a Phoenix, I'm not sure if that's different now.
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  5. Lightwolf

    currently, only the phoenix can be shot down unless something changed while I wasn't looking. My PC is currently a brick, go test it out and play baseball with a friend on another faction.
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  6. thingymajigy

    I love to just be in a tank when a pheonix comes, and I jump out at shoot it down with repeater:D. The repeater is suprising good at this role. I have also shot down a few in my AI mana turret.
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  7. DoomFruit

    I love shooting down phoenices with a deployable AV turret, but I've never managed to hit any other kind of rocket (and not for want of trying - whacking incoming missiles was a pretty useful thing to be able to do in Tribes).
  8. Pikachu

    99% of people don't even try to shoot it down. :S On the other hand 99% of engineers don't do the obvious thing of exiting their turret when they see and hear the missile coming at them.
  9. dstock

    We've been shooting down, well, attempting to shoot down lock-ons with our Lib/Gal tailguns for months. We don't have tons of success, but I promise you it works now, and has for roughly a year (since we really started working at it). You need perfect lead to pull it off, and most of our successful kills are within 50m of the tail.

    I can't speak for dumbfires, I never bother trying to shoot them down. I've definitely killed NC and TR G2A lock-ons, and I confirmed with a friend he has shot down VS Nemesis shells.

    This tactic is already in the game! Rejoice, comrades!

    EDIT: I will test it again tonight and post back. If possible, I'll try to get a video on twitch to share.
  10. Lightwolf

    please do. If it works, I'll have to start training gunners for it.
  11. dstock

    Alright, it took some work, 2 Liberators, and 3 Reavers, but I did it.

    Here's the link to the highlight.

    We had 0 success with the Walker. We switched to the Drake, and I managed to get one without the Reaver returning for ammo. For some reason, my mic isn't working, but you can see the hit marker and the rocket deflecting around 18-20 seconds in, followed by the Reaver pilot confirming the track until it lost guidance.

    Ground locks (on VS at least, didn't check the other two factions) travel slower than the A2As, but we didn't have another guy with a G2A launcher, lol. I definitely recommend the Drake for defense, though one person was telling me he likes Hyena missiles. We'll try that next, no promises, though. ;)
  12. Flag

    I believe the game does render the projectiles, and if you somehow hit them enough times you can shoot them down.
    However they're some illusive bastards, and personally the only time I've managed it was when a shell bugged out and floated mid-air.
  13. Kommon

    I can often see whole tank shells in flight when they miss me. I wonder if hey can be shot down as well...

    I don't know if it's just a corrupted memory, but I remember somehow hitting some type of shell and causing it to explore prematurely.
  14. Jogido

    I'll have to watch that later :)

    but from what you wrote, what they got to do it make the hit boxes as big as the phoenix. At least maybe for the lock-ons.
  15. \m/SLAYER\m/

    tell me what happens to rockets next, because sometimes i'm getting hit mark
  16. dstock

    It's only 30 seconds long! The ad they'll probably make you sit through is as long as the clip, lol.
  17. Crayv

    I'm pretty sure at least half of my kills on my Auraxiumed Phoenix are from people on Mana Turrets.

    Very few people ever try to shoot the things down.