[Vehicle] Why can magriders jump onto and off of mountans. Why this should be fixd! Why has it not been?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by teakty1, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. teakty1

    The Magrider is a ******** tank it has the most DPS of all the tanks and really can jump onto mountans and right off the other side Into basses or spots only air can get to lol only AIR RIGHT!!!!! THEY CAN AND DO! in any other tanks even my Lighting little fast tank you cant do any this stuff u will take damage a lot of it when every u try go up or down after them from the terrain but not the fake ******** tank that no one will fix so know ENUF is ENUF I'm telling you! FIX IT. if u play vanu on connery a BUNCH CHEAP CHEATS!!!! TELL DAYBRAKE tookover and took care most of you :/ your a joke so please stay off this Discussion IDC what u think!!!!
  2. 1Tap2Tap

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  3. Pat22

    Why do people even do this? I'll never understand.
  4. Eternaloptimist

    Show me on this doll where the Magrider touched you...........................
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  5. Gundem

    *points to the butt*
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  6. stalkish

    The prowler has the highest DPS of all tanks, and indeed all ground vehicles AFAIK.
    ....theres nothing to 'fix'.
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  7. Jake the Dog

    Teak as a friend. You should stop digging... You basically just screamed you know nothing about the magrider except that it can climb mountains and commit suicide jumping off of said mountains...
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  8. teakty1

    lies it dose not commit suicide why did u even post on this cause that was a lie
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  9. TheRunDown

    A lot of Devs play Vanu and getting things like this fix is very hard to do because of it, even if it is unfair and completely unreasonable and unrealistic.. (well of what we think to be realistic with Sci Fi stuffs)

    As like it was with SoE, there is more favouritism for VS just because there are more VS Loyalists than NC and VS in what's left of DB's Dev team..

    It's not a discriminative thing, that's just how things turned out. There are two sides to a coin, and if they only play on one side, it's hard to see the impacts and suffering to the other side. What's the saying? Turning a blind eye?
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  10. teakty1

    TR tank the Prowler dose when u deploy it but not in any other way so the magrider dose have the most DPS what needs to be fixed it that they can go where other tanks cant like the lite tank the lightning lol that is a joke!
  11. Colonelveers12

    But but but then they couldn't be able to do this

    Why would you take that away from Eguardian!?
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  12. Towie

    <sigh> - here we go again - so why don't you create a VS alt and go 'flying' around, decimating everything you see with impunity - video record it - and post it here so we can all marvel at both your ability and the extremely OP Magrider ?

    Or just post the videos that show you getting destroyed by absolutely everything, suicidal jumps that result in - suicide, laugh at the low main gun trajectory and slow shell speed and come across foes to which you have no counter ? Skip the 5 minutes it takes you to actually get anywhere due to the slow speed though, that would be boring.

    (MY money is on #2 but you never know)
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  13. Taemien

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  14. Moridin6

    and its like the One cool thing maggy can do..
  15. Imperial Sect

    The only good thing about the magrider is it's ability to climb. Take that away and you may as well just pull a harasser...oh wait, you may as well do that already. I'd be down for the magrider losing the ability to climb..if that meant everything else about it would be buffed.
  16. Shockwave44

    Wow this is so dumb I don't even know where to begin. Have you seen the launcher images? I'd like you to point out how many VS there are that aren't being killed.
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  17. Moridin6

    i hate that picture, nc propaganda bs
  18. Savadrin

    I think there's one scythe that isn't exploding...yet
  19. PasitheeVS


    Also the Magrider is the only tank that can explode at totally random moments.

    Like scratching a Stone or slightly touching a wall.
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  20. AxiomInsanity87

    Plot twist

    Magrider would still be decent even if this was removed

    In addition, i nearly sharted from too much coffee while typing this.