Why Can every infantry class deal with armor?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Amphoric, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Amphoric

    This is just a valid question, Why does every class have access to C4 and the ability to take out Armor? Shouldn't this be limited to specific classes? ex. Heavy and Engineer?

    And does 1x C4 kill 1 MBT from full health?

    I just find the MBT's have less of a role now since they need to be afraid of everything while it shouldn't be, since lets face it, you are driving a massive Hunk of Reinforce Metal around.
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  2. vastaitku

    Infiltrator doesn't. You need two to kill an MBT.
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  3. Copasetic

    Because vehicles can be pulled by anyone at any time, as opposed to being limited through an unlock system like they were in PS1.
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  4. VanuSovereignty

    Because people will get upset if they're limited in any sense...
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  5. Phazaar

    This. Tankies that haven't even tried to use C4 really let themselves down with posts like this.

    And HA and Engie? No way. I'd rather see it taken from BOTH of them and kept as LA only, since LA has **** all else going for it. Engie already has AT mines, AP mines, ammo packs, repair tools, AI turret, AV turret, and sticky grenades ( ;) ), HA has three different overshields, special weapon, Dumbfire launchers, Lock-on launchers, ESRLs, and AV grenades. LA has a jump pack and flash grenades (which haven't worked properly since launch) /smoke grenades (which are far more easily utilised with an UBGL by an Engineer.)
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  6. VanuSovereignty

    If they want to take C4 from medic, however, a new worthwhile utility should be added.
  7. Skippytjc

    Every class should not be able to deal with armor. Infiltrators cant as they shouldn't be able too. Light assaults can and I very much disagree with that. It should just be engineers, heavy's, and MAX's.
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  8. VanuSovereignty

    No, light assaults should be able to. They have to get incredibly close to use C4. The problem is that engineers and heavies have extreme long range tools for AV while still having extreme close quarters AV tools.
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  9. vaxx

    LA has access to Flash Bangs (which suck) and Smoke Grenades (semi-ok). Not concussion.
  10. LameFox

    I think medics just get it because they couldn't think of anything else and it's their only chance to kill MAXes outside of a S gun with a launcher.
  11. Holomang

    Why can armor deal with every infantry class?
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  12. Phazaar

    Sorry, correction accepted. I don't use the special nades (since they're so much less useful than regular nades) so forgot :) Thanks!
  13. FatSheriff

    I see what you did there....... But they can't deal with 1 type the mob o_O.
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  14. Aegie

    Because HA and Engineer are already the most played highest scoring classes because they have the most options and can deal with the most situations.

    I saw API data from a week or so ago that showed together HA and Engineer made up well over 50% (I think it was around 57%) of the playtime for those who played for more than 1 hour that week. Infiltrators and LAs are the two least scoring classes according to API data and the same API data that showed HA and Engineers making up >50% of the players also showed HA outscoring LA by over 1,000 XP an hour and Engineers outscoring LA by over 2,000 XP an hour.

    Take C4 away from LA and they will be even less used and lower scoring.

    I think you would find that you would still be gibbed just as often (if not more often) if you only allowed AV capabilities on HA and Engineer because you would just see that many more people playing HA and Engineer more often than they already do.

    Engineers have an infinite number of infinite ammo AV rocket turrets- think about that, maybe read it twice. Now, consider that a decent Engineer with AV turret practice can reliably hit MBTs from a range where not only will the Engineer and turret not render but the rockets often do not render either. So really, good engineers have an infinite number of infinite ammo invisible AV rocket turrets that fire invisible rockets. Rockets that cannot be shot down even if they were visible. Now let that sink in and ask yourself again whether all the AV toys available to HA and Engineer really warrant taking away 2 blocks of resource expensive C4 that require you to get in hug range of the MBT (and use both) in order to get a kill (sometimes). If you still think that only HA and Engineer should have any AV options (read: all) and that is balanced and okay then I would argue you would be fine with a 2 class system and I have to vehemently disagree.
  15. chrisbeebops

    Aegie, your stats don't take into consideration that most people piloting vehicles (Liberators, MBT) are playing engineer while driving so they can repair the vehicles, and thus their score/hour will be higher than infantry in some cases.
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  16. Athanasius

    I believe the AV turret renders at vehicle distances. You won't, of course, see the Engineer unless he mans it (or you're under ~325m for infantry to render). But, yes, the AV Turret rockets not rendering to people they're flying towards is a bug and needs fixing.
  17. Aegie

    Is this consistent? If so, then perhaps I have just had some bad luck with hackers or something because I have decent scopes on my MBT and have often died while scanning the area where the damage was indicating only to continue taking phantom damage without being able to spot any sign of an AV turret. It is, of course, possible that I just miss seeing them but I really doubt this as I have several times made it my mission to locate the Engineer and with the shield I have a fair amount of time to do so.

    Perhaps this is an issue related to Engineers who fire a rocket, guide it to the hit, exit the turret, place another turret a few seconds later a few feet away, rinse and repeat- this too seems a little bizarre. Engineers have infinite repair goo, infinite infinite ammo packs, infinite infinite ammo AV and AI turrets- IMO, each loadout should only provide Engineers with a set number of ammo packs that each provide a set amount of ammo and at the very least a set number of deployable turrets (ideally, each turret would also have only a set amount of ammo, even if it was fairly large)- this would do wonders for the game in terms of cutting back on spam of all kinds.
  18. Phyr

    Until tanks can't be spammed, don't expect any noticeable changes to AV.
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  19. Athanasius

    To be accurate all I can say with absolute certainty is that I've observed AV turrets outside the ~325m range which then occasionally showed an Engineer manning them, without being able to see infantry around them in general. This would have been as an Infiltrator approaching the area to snipe. I assumed this meant that they render at vehicle distances. It's still possible you may need to be looking in their direction whilst they're manned for even the empty turret to render for you when it becomes unmanned.

    Then of course there's the whole dynamic rendering thing to take into account. If the situation is busy enough closer to you then you may not see any sort of enemy, let alone an AV turret, at all. And then there are possible bugs....

    I can't quickly find the relevant patch/maintenance notes, but I'm fairly sure one of them (or some tweet, or somesuch by SOE staff) mentioned "Engineer Anti-Vehicle Turrets now render at vehicle distances", so that is at least SOE's intent.
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  20. vincent-

    I like my c4 medic, But if you had to take it from me than I want a small shield generator bubble or wall I can place like how engineers can place turrets.

    Neither side can fire through it but both sides can walk through it.
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