Why are people like this allowed to keep playing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FieldMarshall, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. FieldMarshall

    I present to you: This guy!

    (aka. cancer)

    His killboard looks legit.
    (Deaths edited out)

    Not to mention the tells you get.
    (What the hell does that even mean)

    Last time he killed an enemy was almost a month ago.

    Why doesent this trigger some sort of alarm bell over at whoever is handing out bans.
    Why doesent /report do anything.
    Why are people like this allowed to keep playing.

    The teamkilling is more excessive than anything i have ever seen. He just logs on to kill his team...
    I would gladly pay the salary for one admin to work on getting rid of these tumors.
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  2. Pfundi

    I cant see the pics?
  3. Matt0193

    Same, can only see the chat one.
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  4. Pelojian

    If you cant see all the images right click and select view image and it'll load a webpage with the image.

    IF TKing is the only way for that dude to get kills then seriously he shouldn't even be playing!

    Probably has a computer that barely runs PS2 at all.
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  5. saturnuranus

    That shot of the Tell output is making my head hurt :(
  6. Dualice

    Wait, wait, he's telling you to be loyal to your empire?
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  7. Pelojian

    Looking at his stats i'd say he made that toon for the express purpose of teamkilling he's only played engineer 4 minutes, heavy 2 minutes, light assault 1h 12mins and is BR 4. He's used the free BR certs to unlock C4 and is just pissed with the OP killing him a few times ending his TK spree.
  8. TheRunDown

    Ok, there's a huge information gap missing on the contents of these hate tells..
    The one image that is loading looks completely out of context..
  9. travbrad

    You'd think an automated system could handle a case like this. It really shouldn't take a person to look into it. IF TKs > enemy kills AND TKs > 20 THEN ban.
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  10. Utrooperx

    Eh, I went into the Spawn Room as a AA MAX to re-gen my shields...switched to repair armor and waited...as I'm standing there, a "ally" walks up, tosses a AT mine at my feet...backs off, then shoots it-killing me instantly.

    I send the guy a tell..."WTF?" He tells me he "brought" a Enemy ESF back to the Base...and it shot him down...and then he finds a AA MAX just standing around in the Spawn Room...Oh, and BTW...he'll do it again too, stupid <blank> <blankity> <blank>...

    Some people...

    DBG won't do anything, so don't hold your breath...
  11. HadesR

    Since I would doubt a lot of " Teamkillers " such as this go to the trouble of spoofing ID .. Then IMO not only should this char be banned but any and all associated with the same HWID ..
  12. Steza

    people just get angry it seems and takes games to seriously.

    The idea of banning people for more team kills to enemy kills can be good and bad. Yes there are people who get angry and decide to kill the enemy by using that faction toon to do it. There's also the idea of people who use explosives but accidently killed team mates with it lets say they kill 2 team mates for every 1 enemy they kill with C4. Then it would be a bad idea to ban them based on that since they clearly are just bad at using explosives.

    As aggravating as it can be to have this happen to you, you should always be the bigger one and just ignore them eventually they will get bored pop back over to there faction until they get beat up again.
  13. ColonelChingles

    I think the issue with "certs" is how you get them in PS2.

    I could, for example, shoot 100 guys with my assault rifle. I suppose that demonstrates that I am somewhat competent with an assault rifle. But then I would turn around and use those "certifications" towards unlocking C4, which up until that point I have not actually had any experience with!

    That's the opposite of how certifications work in real life. Usually you have to show that you are competent at something and then are certified for it. In PS2 you get certified in things without any experience using those things at all!

    Therefore I think certs should be probationary. Say I have gathered enough certs to unlock C4. I unlock C4, but am instead handed a "fake" block of C4. I need to demonstrate that I can use this simulated C4 to satisfy the following goals:
    1) Kill no more than 50% infantry with the C4.
    2) Kill no more than 5% friendlies with the C4.
    3) Achieve a 75% kill:deploy rate with the C4.
    4) Kill at least 100 things with the C4.

    Only after I complete all four of these goals is my "fake" block of C4 replaced by a real one that can actually kill things. If I fail to complete all four goals at the same time (say I killed 100 things but 10% were friendlies), then I have to recertify into it and pay more certs.

    That would hopefully solve those "accidental" TKers.
  14. xSalt

    Simple solution, in my opinion, is to make the grief system account based instead of character based. That way, if I pop over and tk till I'm weapon locked. I can't just pop back to my main and go. I would be weapon locked, or very close to it still. This would at least deter some players from doing this. Inflict at least some sort of punishment for those that do. And not require someone searching through accounts or writing a special algorithm in the attempt to find people like this. That lets be honest, a complete ban might be a bit much for people that only do this every so often.
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  15. Ronin Oni

    You MUST be kidding me.

    No, this does NOT need to effing emulate effing EVE skill BS.

    ******* grinding indiviudal certs for every specific action...

    are you for real mate?

    just stop
  16. ColonelChingles

    You know what, now that you ask I'm really not sure.

    I will say that at first I wasn't serious about it. It was more of a joke.

    But now that I think about the idea... why not? I mean it wouldn't be a bad thing if rocket launchers, explosives, tanks, and aircraft came with some sort of licensing process. To make sure that people really knew how to be effective with those things, or at the very least not destructive to their own team!

    This may be more important if they ever fix the resource system to include common nanite pools. In that case you want the best C4 faeries, tankers, or pilots to be getting the equipment they need, because every inexperienced player who throws C4 at a bunch of friendlies is one less C4 that can take out a critical enemy MAX.

    I don't think it would be overly intrusive... once you've proven that you know which part of the handgun points forward, you are good to go with all small arms. For things that are significantly different but more or less similar (say the regular dumbfire rocket launcher and the Phoenix), the certification process might be relatively easy. Once you know how to drive a Lightning, you're probably more or less okay with MBTs and such.

    Hmmm... so now with some thought, I don't think it would be a bad system to implement in PS2 at all. In fact if I might, why do you think it wouldn't be a good system?
  17. MouthFulofCrabs

    I 99% kill my teammates because they are ******* **** sucking ******* who just suck ******* **** for 5$ (trying to get banned) :D and i will Never stop <--- song is so appropriate xD
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  18. Goretzu

    I don't know why they can't do something like this, or just 20-25% of your last 100 kills = TK then a 3 days suspension. Wouldn't solve everything, but it would help a lot.
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  19. stalkish

    ........And images are broken, as usual.
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  20. hostilechild

    Definitely an up swing in TK griefers lately. (rarely do they stick around though)

    But I get more irritated with the idiots that run through your model while you are firing at someone, then instantly die from headshots then ***** at you for killing them and come back to TK a few times.
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