Who hates Quartz Ridge Camp?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Latrodectus, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Latrodectus

    I hate it in the sense that it's a base that is often fought over repeatedly simply because it sits in between two killzones. To the north, you have Indar Excavation Site, a tower point with extremely limited cover on flat, open ground. To the south, Hvar Northgate Garrison, a base that can only be reached by a road that is beset by steep inclines that is basically one big murder-hole. Not that I don't enjoy a difficult push, but unless you get an organized platoon to come into the area you're probably going to be fighting across those three hexes for a very long time.
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  2. Mouse75

    My only real complaint about Quartz Ridge Camp is the AV Base Turrets on the south side can't angle up enough to be of any use against an on-coming vehicle assault. They are essentially useless.
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  3. Thardus

    Pain to defend from the south, cinematic beauty to defend from the north.
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  4. biterwylie

    I Love it.

    There are loads of other crap undefendable bases if you don't like it.
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  5. lyravega

    You won't be pushing to the Hvar if there are some people that utilizes AV Mana turrets.
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  6. Kristan

    I like it, had lot of fun fighting over it with my outfit.
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  7. vincent-


    It's like the north being attacked yea no problem let's commence this great fight!

  8. Camycamera

    on briggs there was a massive fight between the nc and tr there, it was a sight to behold.

    it we would nearly cap indar exavation, then they would push as out, and the fight in between was absolutely amazing. i spent 2 and a half hours there, and stopped when the server shut down. so epic.
  9. Tommyp2006

    The Quartz Ridge/Indar Ex battleground is a bottomless pit which sucks down entire factions. It's the anchor holding the west side of Indar to the bottom of the ocean floor.
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  10. gregfox89

    I hate it, and it's absolutely awful to fight at as any class except light assault and maybe infiltrator.
    I really dislike bases that are giant choke points, Howling Pass is another one. I like bases that connect to at least 3 other bases by lattice and have some interesting terrain. (Regent Rock is one of the best)

    Quartz Ridge is still a lot better than Broken Arch though (damn that is a horrible base)
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  11. MaCritz

    You do realize that Galaxies exist, right?? Use it.. Gather 12 guys (Maxes, Engis, Medics).. Drop them (including yourself) onto point A and lock it down..

    You only need to control one building and the enemy spawn is ridiculously exposed and far away...

    Gal drop, my friend... Gal drop..
  12. Yasa

    Nothing like hundreds of players doing nothing but staring at each other across an open field.
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  13. maxkeiser

    Love the base. It's important to have bases that are hard to assault/capture.

    I think the dynamics are good here.
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  14. NC_agent00kevin

    I love defending Indar Ex from either direction, and Quartz Ridge from north based attacks. Its a meat grinder, but once you know the routine, its a fun meat grinder.
  15. Paperlamp

    I pretty much leave any platoon that sends me to quartz ridge at this point.

    My favorite warpgate is the south east rather than the north too. .
  16. NinjaTurtle

    I hate any of the obvious choke points you encounter during prime time and this is one of them. There is nearly always a stale mate between Quartz and Indar Ex and night after night that gets a little tedious especially when it can literally last 6 hours. I have plenty of times played for an hour, the fight is there logged of to go do other things come back 4 hours later guess where the fight still is?

    The only suggestion I can make is a small reworking of the lattice in hope it changes the flow slightly away from the areas that have all the fighting because there is 70% of the map that barely see any of it most of the time
  17. HMR85

    I don't care for the whole Quartz Ridge/Indar Excavation fight. Its a waste of resources and is IMO horribly designed. That whole area needs to be scrapped and re-done.
  18. Slandebande

    Along with Howling Pass it is most likely the base I hate the most, at least on Indar. The reason is the willingness of the randoms to keep fighting losing battles in such places, attempting to capture them with only 40-45% in platoons vs platoons sized battles. Once bases like the two mentioned reach populations of that size, much like Biolabs, it becomes very hard to do anything. Coordinated air raids (if you are pushing from the South) can really help break the line, but it really isn't fun in my opinion. I also find the bases to be a bit claustrophobic (despite I'm not suffering from it IRL).
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  19. lothbrook

    SOE loves their ****** base design, what is it with them putting spawn rooms in holes or next to a giant rock formation so attackers can shoot down onto the spawn room or shoot straight into the upper deck, lol.
  20. Pikachu

    It's an endless meat grinder just like Allatum, Vanu Archives, Mani, Regent Rock, Scarred Mesa, Indar Bay Point.