[Suggestion] Which to choose? NS-7 or NKV?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by TMGMaster, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. TMGMaster

    So I intend to find a suitable SMG for my infiltrator. I'm a bit leaning on close-to-mid-range kind of guys (I'm not very good at CQC) but I still want an SMG for CQC situation. So, with the new NKV is available, which one should I choose? NKV has the supressor already attached on, so is it worth it or I just go with NS-7 with suppressor instead?
  2. Dramonicous

    I havent seen any reviews of NS-7 and MKV, but if theres no secret stat or benefit to the MKV then it is ONLY good if u mean to use it as a suppressed shorter range gun.
    I have the NS-7 and I use mainly 2x, compressor, riflegrip or ext mag, soft ammo.
    The only diffrence as far as I can tell is that the MKVG have a improved suppressor on it, which is noticable in shorter max dmg range at 10m compared to 15m.

    If your planning on using a SMG for such fights that the MKV is meant for then the Sirius/Armistice/Blitz is far superior in that area.
  3. Brandmon

    If you plan to use the SMG exclusively for the Infiltrator: MKV.

    Otherwise NS-7.
  4. TMGMaster

    My impression for the MKV currently is that it comes with a supressor auto-attached and a little bit superior at CQC than NS-7 (which in turn is more superior at close-mid range). What seems to be a problem here is that it's balanced out by pathetic RoF for a dedicated CQC SMG (though maybe I'm wrong cause not so much info about it now anyway) and much slower muzzle velocity than like Armistice. Idk but thanks for your help, you too Brandmon.
  5. Inf1nite

    Go with the NS-7 PDW. On the Planetside 2 website you can buy the Freshmeat Starter Pack which comes with a 1 day XP boost, Indar Dry Brush Armor Camo, and the NS-7 PDW for only $1.99. It's a steal. You get a lot more than the PDW for a whole lot less.
    • Up x 2
  6. Wayfar

    That is if you want use SC/real money. Here is direct link btw.
  7. Inf1nite

    Honestly, I don't know why you wouldn't with an NS weapon since they unlock for ALL accounts if you buy them with SC.
  8. Paperlamp

    I am in the minority it seems, but I greatly prefer the MKV. The recoil seems more predictable, the velocity isn't great but I suppose for a suppressed weapon it's not as terrible as the other SMGs that have to buy/equip the suppressor. The minor RoF gain over the PDW is more noticeable than I expected in CQC as well.

    One thing to keep in mind though, with either of these guns you are going to want to aim for the head to make up for their low bullet damage and mediocre RoF for a low bullet damage gun. They have very low vertical recoil and reasonable enough horizontal at close-mid range that landing multiple headshots in a row is easier to do than with many other weapons. If you don't have the aim to pull that off though(not THAT hard, and I find a 2x scope or even 3.4x can help), the high TTK is going to probably make them bad weapons for you.
  9. Stromberg

    unlike other NS weapons, the recoil of the MKV is biased to the up and right like most biased weapons in the game. so you don't have to relearn the recoil like on other ns weapons. the mkv is better than a suppressed ns-7 at mid-range because of better velocity. it's worse in CQB though because of lower rof. the suppressor is very loud. sure, you won't appear on the minimap, but ppl will clearly hear you shooting nonetheless.
  10. Benevon

    Pretty sure the MKV has a higher ROF than the NS7. The good thing about the noise though is that it isn't faction specific. So they won't know for sure if it's a friendly or an enemy.
  11. Mordegar

    The question is how much is the bullet velocity influenced by the suppressor on the NS-7 when being compared to the MKV?
    If the game tells us that the MKV has a higher velocity at 330 than the NS7 while being suppressed, it must be a huge decrease on the NS7 then.
    A gun with a velocity below 300 (with SPA) would be quite overkill if you face someone that is strafing your bullets with adad spam, so the MKV may have a slight edge over a suppressed NS7 in close-med combat.
    I can tell you from my personal experience with close range weapons that a velocity around 300 is the absolute minimum to be able to compete in close ranges effectively and once you get past 15 meters range, 400 is more comfortable if your target is on the run.
  12. Mustarde

    Anecdotally speaking, I greatly enjoyed the MKV. I tried the extended magazine and laser attachments and found that the Adv Laser served me better than the extra magazine. I used it to pick off targets from a short range by abusing ADAD hipfire and accurately hitting the head (which is possible with the adv laser) and also at mid range due to the inherent good performance and accuracy of the weapon.

    With my loadout, you really shouldn't engage multiple targets at a time, although I was able to drop two with a single magazine given the right circumstances.

    It's a fun weapon, and definitely will have a place in my weapon rotation. I prefer it over the NS7 which I found underwhelming overall.

    That being said, I went back to the Armistice after getting auraxium on the MKV and boy was it fun mowing people down with 897 RPM at point blank range! The key to using the MKV in a unique way is by taking advantage of the mid-ranged performance while suppressed. It is very accurate.