Which rocket launcher to buy?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Analord, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Analord

    So as far as I'm aware there are two rocket launchers available for 1000 cert each. One has a lock on for ground vehicles and the other has a lock on for air vehicles.

    If I were to guess, I would buy the ground lock on one because you would see action with it more often and taking out ground vehicles is more of a useful thing, I think.

  2. Erendil

    Get the AA one. It does a little less damage than the stock or ground-lock versions, but it's the only one that's at all useful against aircraft. Plus the velocity of its missiles is significantly higher than the other two launchers and its dumbfire shots also have less arc, so it's fairly accurate against ground targets in dumbfire mode as well.
  3. Aktarus

    none yet.

    wait for a air/AA balance imo actually you need at least 3 + missile to get any plane down and any ingeneer ( wich mean 99% of the pilots ) can fly back before you take it down land anywhere repair in 5 sec and come back unload a full rocket pack in your face for a bu-kkake style instant death.....

    and the ground one is slow as hell and can be easily dodged.
  4. bobby_m

    You sure it is 3 AA missiles now? It very clearly was 2 ground to air missiles in the end of the beta.
    I'd also STRONGLY suggest the AA launcher because there is little opportunity to use the AV one. You need to lock on for several seconds, therefore give the enemy a warning and time to drive off. And the lock-on range is short anyways!
  5. Analord


    The whole point of getting it is so that I could hit a tank from across a field without it moving slightly to the right.

    You're saying even if I lock on it can be dodged? Or they just run away in fear?

    I think if it can't be strafe dodged it would still have its uses. Then again even a pistol has "its uses."

    I haven't seen any aircrafts harass ground forces yet.
  6. Ganjis

    Repost from another thread:
    The AA launcher feels about right, but the AV one seems to have a very short lock on range, unless they increased it since late beta. I will personally steer clear of the AV for now and enjoy the AA launcher that I bought with my alpha squad station cash.
  7. bobby_m

    They can dodge them by driving behind cover (the rocket isn't THAT fast), they can break the lock with some certed thing (smoke?). A full speed lightning might also dodge the missile, I think.
    The lock on range is really reaally short. I think the normal unguided launcher is better than the AV one.
    Do you really have the time to stand around, aiming at the tank for 2 seconds, giving them a warning to drive into cover, then shoot a homing missile? 2 seconds in the open. Nope :)
  8. Analord

    I will make it work. :cool:

    And by make it work I mean buy something else. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. Supercakers

    Why not give the AV rocket launcher a trial use? And the AA one, then you can decide.
  10. Vreki

    IMHO the GtA launcher wins, since it also is decent againt ground. You can easily snipe stationary vehicles with it.
  11. Mericulux

    IMO buy none. the skep(G2G) was nerfed into the ground in beta and is near useless now. and the G2A will be less effective once pilots all get the flares cert.

    baseline rocket launcher is your best bet. spend the cash or certs on something more valuable.
  12. JojoTheSlayer

    Get the AA one. There is no contest.

    NC Hawk:

    -Little less damage vs ground compared to AT.

    +Lock on air.
    +Flat long dumbfire makes it easier to hit moving ground targets compared to default.
    +Good optics with a lock on box area which can also be used to judge speed of a ground target (leading targets).
    +Thin optics cross hairs for those long range snips.
  13. CorBlimey

    yup get anti AA launcher.. mostly for the reasons above... but in squad form its Godly when u have squads operating with them...
    i suppose the anti tank variant would be more popular if aircav would simply stayed fighting tanks/air but mostly they concentrate on foot soldiers for the points... hence why when leading platoons i will wipe any all air from the skies.
  14. Antiks

    The AA launcher is weak against anything in the air though oddly enough. Don't expect to really shoot down anything unless it's already on fire. I would stick to stock unless there is an AA update personally. The money can be spent better somewhere else. I instantly regretted buying the heavy SAM when I couldn't even deter a scythe pilot from attacking, they can fly away and repair forever.
  15. Sir Lemming

    While 1 HA with AA launcher will bring down only the unlucky, it's still ok to score some hits on the run and scare ppl off.
    When you have 2+ HAs with AA, air will better flare a lot or fall one by one. (Yes, 2 rockets won't actually kill an ESF, but a few bullets at a burning plane will do the trick.)
  16. Terrahero

    AA without a doubt.

    You can get the lock-on ground vehicles, and it helps. But ground vehicles are already hittable. Flying stuff tends to be incredibly hard to downright impossible to hit with a rocket unless they are hovering idly close to where you are.
    Dont expect to one-shot aircraft obviously. But they damn well scare em off for a while as they desperately try to outrun the rocket. And you get those lovely kill assists.

    And they are still usefull against groundtargets as a simple dumbfire rocketlauncher, much like the default. With a bit less damage, but greater accuracy and imo a better crosshair to aim with.
  17. SixVoltSamurai

    They changed it in the end of beta actually, they do the same damage as A2A tomcat lock ons. 2 will get it into heavily damaged, but you still need a third or a hand from someone else to down it. Providing you actually get 2 shots at it in the first place, which if you do.. well they deserve to die.