Which la looks best NC,TR or VS

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by the pestimist, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. the pestimist

    Type your votes.
  2. Lakora

    Even tho I play NC... I'd have to say TR with Composite Armor n Helmet.
  3. Bankrotas

    I don't feel that at all. But it's maybe because NC is just faction for me with it's looks, music and guns just right to enjoy the game too much. TR LA seems to be easier colored than NC one. I do love my NC LA much much much. Ergo, NC hands down.
  4. SmileyBomb

    I also vote that the TR looks best. Obviously the VS is best for night ops, however. NC LA, just like all their others (sin Infi) is just too damn blue.
  5. Compass

    I like the NC jetpack better than the TR jetpack. The TR jetpack looks odd to me. The uniforms, otherwise, I think the TR gets it right.
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  6. Strife_iH

    spandex brah!, exceptional for underwater-ops
  7. Hypest

    My biggest issue with the design palette of the terrans are the goofy goggles they are wearing, otherwise it's pretty solid. And hey you can always buy some hats helmets from valve soe. NC has better headgear, but armor plates from the junkyard. Vanu has spandex.
  8. Flying Mug

    Vanu. In Giraffe camo. Or... Is that an NC? :confused:
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  9. Compass

    The prevent us from seeing the mandex.
  10. C1PHER

    Personally, I have to go with the NC on this one, even if I am primarily a TR player.

    I don't have much of an opinion on the gear/armor/uniforms of each faction, so this all comes down to the jetpack itself. The TR jetpack is pretty ugly, but I like the NC jetpack.
  11. Compass

    So, basically, what we want is:

    A TR LA wearing a VS helmet with an NC jetpack. Probably in Giraffe Camo. With no red.

    Makes sense.
  12. centurionvi

    I'm surprised people like the NC jetpack the most. To me it looks like someone glued some fins to an OG Xbox and painted it blue.
  13. kukuman

    vs have wings like seraphims where others have jetpacks
  14. LibertyRevolution

  15. NanoBitSplit

    VS has the best butt.
  16. Sabreur

    The power of spandex commands you!