Which factions have the best weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IberianHusky, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. IberianHusky

    Which factions do you believe have the best of which weapon types?

    For me,
    Carbines: TR
    Assault Rifles: TR, without question. We have the best ARs in every single category.
    LMGs: VS. Even though the NC is more well-rounded, the Orion is so prevalent that that point is moot.
    Snipers: NC
    SMGs: Unsure.
    Shotguns: NC (Obviously.)
    Pistols: NS...
    Battle Rifles: VS
    Heavy guns: Tie between TR and NC
    ESRLs: Tie between NC and VS

    Anything I missed?
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  2. Latrodectus

    u wot?
  3. IberianHusky

    Eidolon has no bullet drop...
  4. Crayv

    I would say NC has the best SMGs due to having the Cyclone. It says it is an SMG but it can't fool me, that thing is a carbine.
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  5. Latrodectus

    Do you even know what range the drop actually starts to take effect for the battle rifles?
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  6. Bananenweizen

    The pistol award should go to TR, imho. Because Repeater.

    Soon enough that Edolon perform's noticable better than NC/TR equivalents. Not that it matters much 'cause battle rifles are very niche and in general not a good choice but if we talk the battle rifles only the VS has definitely the best one.
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  7. GrandpaFlipfox

    The Orion really is stupidly EZ mode powerful but beyond that and the Lancer the NC have the best equipment.
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  8. Captain Kid

    My most used weapon is the battlerifle (love that thing) and it is definitely noticeable. Don't expect headshots at range if you don't compensate. I would love to have no bulletdrop on mine.
  9. Ragnarox

    NC all the way.
  10. Bankrotas

    4th faction has the best stuff.

    Instead of asking bait questions, you'd better appeal to someones liking of weapons.
  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    NC has best-in-class empire specific weaponry for longer range engagements, including LMG, AR, Carbine, SMG, and pistol. The only problem is that there are very few bases with combat lanes 40m or longer, and even in those bases if enough people show up your render distance decreases to the point where you can't use the range advantage. If there was more variety in base design instead of the current "point goes in tiny 10m building" we would see a lot more diversity in weapon selection.
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  12. Fellgnome

    LMG: NC has the most good LMG options overall, but obviously the Orion on VS is the best LMG for close-mid no contest.

    AR: TR has the best AR options w/T1 Cycler, TAR, SABR-13 covering all ranges nicely. NC is second, VS is definitely last. I wish TR Carbines were as varied and well done as our ARs, I would kill for a SABR-13 style carbine to finally give us a good ranged carbine.

    Carbine: NC, though it's a tough call between NC and VS. Pulsar C and VX6-7 are outstanding but I'd say GD-7F, Merc, AC-X11 and the Gauss Compact S (way better than Solstice SF) put NC on top.

    SMG: NC without a doubt. Blitz and Cyclone are both better than their VS and TR equivalents. I'd say TR is last with the Failstorm and the Armistice being so limited in effective range by recoil and CoF.

    Shotguns: NC, if we count Jackhammer

    Pistols: TR or NC, toss up between Repeater and Desperado I'd say.

    Sniper: Well, NC's Railjack is better than TRAP and Phaseshift

    ESHW: NC, Jackhammer

    ESRL: I'd say NC, Phoenix allows them to destroy vehicles in a lot of places VS and TR can't reliably obtain LoS on them

    Battle Rifle: Obviously VS for no drop, but all battle rifles suck, really.
  13. Yeahy

    When you see light assaults using smg's, they gotta be good.
  14. Liberty

    It basically goes Orion, PPA, and a few semi auto/scout rifles for the VS.

    For Carbines and AR's NC have the best in terms of looking at their entire selection from 200 damage long range to up close and personal 800 - 845 RPM 143 damage bullet hoses. TR might have a few that are better up close and with the 10 extra rounds per mag, but lack the versatility.

    SMG's the Cyclone is my personal favorite, accept no substitutes.

    I'm pretty sure this is mostly a result of the hipfire / jump jet CoF nerfs that hit carbines a while back. Carbines are still much better if you are looking to shoot people from a perch, but if you are doing stuff like tower stomping or really aggressive play, you want that CoF that an SMG offers.
  15. Yeahy

    Well, pretty much no VS LA's use the eridani or the sirius. They mainly use pdw, or a carbine like the serpent.
  16. LIKE A BOSS!

    NC have the best LMGs the Orion is being overrated once again.
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  17. Celenor

    Bring in third party experts of whatever kind to audit this. Also, as I've said before, even if NC can pull out a few weapons good at range, VS has the edge at close range (sorry, cycler and quasar destroy infantry at close range, scattermax just destroys them a fraction of a second faster for no meaningful benefit); and close range matters more for playing the objectives.

    For anyone still hung up on scattermax, it would be no problem to give NC a cycler or quasar. No loss.
  18. Plorf

    I think NC is overall the best faction when it comes to their entire arsenal. They are the only faction with 200 dmg weapons, but they still have best-in-class CQC guns like the Carnage AR and the GD-7F, as well as the Cyclone SMG. Their guns are generally good for longer ranges but then they also have shotguns like the Jackhammer and MAX shotguns which singlehandedly give them Biolab dominance.

    Their heavies have great guns like the SAW and EM6, though they do admittedly lack a high-fire-rate option. They also get the Desperado pistol which is arguably better than the Repeater, and better than any VS pistol by default. The only category they really lose in is vehicle AI secondaries... and the Canister just got a buff.

    Higby pls.
  19. Verviedi

    NC is absolutely the best. They have the OP laserguided MAX spamrockets
  20. taxidriver

    For me VS has the best staring LMG (played NC before and SAW is really bad compare to the Orion).
    Unfortunately most NS weapons are the best. (PDW omg)