[BUG] Where is the balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Djhohlama, Mar 15, 2024.

  1. Djhohlama

  2. karlooo

    Without leadership on all sides, VS wins all the time.

    It's not the spread, it's just they have some hidden aim assist integrated in-game, I have noticed, and general weapon designs are biased in their favor.
    NC I would say is second place, their weapons are very reliable but prefer attacking red team due to the issue that VS is unfair to compete against.
    And TR is like the trash tier faction that requires coordinated leadership to be on par with the other factions. Basically, the insurgent faction lol.
    These devs should design the game based on the Planetside 2 written story... Not based on the game Crysis, not based on Wrel's narrative, not based on their sexual desires towards robot NSO, but instead the official Planetside 2 narrative! :D
    (NS is a TR company BTW, they don't choose sides, it is a TR company, VS and NC where part of TR, and separated from TR, that is why they all have access to NS equipment, they are not being funded by NS, they have their technology because they were part of TR)
  3. Effect

    You're not losing because some of hidden VS advantage, that's pure cope. It's generally accepted by actually competent players that VS generally have the worst overall infantry arsenal (ignoring NSO).