Where is my Zebra camo?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EvilJollyT, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. EvilJollyT

    I paid for it with SC on NC and despite there being zebra camo's on both VS and TR with exactly the same name I don't have it available.

    Is it because it's a different colour 'cause that would be racist!!?

    There are other camo's that I have that are cross-faction, so why the Zebra hate?

    Honestly, it's bad enough that my ESF rockets don't transfer or my HA variant is not compatible, but this game is just plain scrooge-like at times.

  2. VanuSovereignty

    There are no faction colored camos that can be used on other factions. Go buy an actual zebra camo if you want to look like a zebra.
  3. HLM

    Pay close attention when buying the camos. The ones that you can only use on one faction will say "(faction) use only". The ones that don't - you can use cross-faction.
  4. Swoo

    They should at the least offer bundles or deals on these types of camos, as it's a bit much for them to want 5 bucks standard for the same camo with one color scheme shifted to match the faction that's using it. Take the new Hyper Armor Camo - same pattern, same primary grey over the top, but five bucks for purple to be shifted in Photoshop to red.

    Can't say it's an SOE exclusive though, F2P games are notorious for trying to find any way to nickel and dime their player bases.
  5. JudgeDeath

    F2P = Forced to Pay
  6. Lucidius134

    I'm glad it's "Forced to Pay" to look like a zebra. Cosmetics, etc.
  7. wolfva

    It's over there, leaning against that white striped wall.
  8. OddChelsea

    And this is what you get for not reading. It clearly states NC/VS/TR use only depending on which faction you are on. Check the descriptions before you buy something.
  9. JonboyX

    I don't think he didn't realise, I think the point is it's a little tight-spirited when it's to all extents and purposes the same 'thing'.