Where do NC have the high ground?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TommyDanger, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. TommyDanger

    I play probably 85% of the time on Indar because Esamir and Amerish tend to have weird population imbalances. I enjoy those places when there is a good fair fight to be had, but I find it less often occurs on those continents.

    Of the places I HAVE fought there, it seems NC come out on roughly even terrain from the warp gates. I haven't reliably pushed far enough into the continents to understand the lay of the land like I do on Indar.

    On Indar, we are fighting uphill pretty much the entire time. Which is no treat in our slow tanks with butter-treads.

    Although the battles there are occasionally annoying as hell, I still have fun most of the time, but I've often thought, "Gee, it's probably awesome parking a tank up on a hill or grabbing a rocket launcher and shelling this small canyon we're stuck in."

    Is there a place in the game NC have that natural height advantage on the other continents?
  2. Ronaldspiers

    Doesnt matter how high we get dude.

    There will always be Magriders above us screaming down

  3. TommyDanger

    What is considered our "home" continent and why? Also, why are we never on it, if we have some kind of tactical advantage there?