Where did all the awesome armor / weapons go?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Keelin, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Keelin

    Title says it all.

    There was a whole bunch of good looking armor and weapon models in the game, apparently.
    Now those models are nowhere to be found - personally I'd love them back.

    Here's just one example of what I'm talking about:
  2. Mazzar

    Wow dynamic textures and the texture quality actually great.
  3. phreec

    They're probably being held back in order to sell the less appealing cosmetics first, like the lackluster composite armour and ugly as sin Apex helmets...
  4. Eli

  5. Keelin

    I don't think that's tinfoil-hat-y.
    In fact, this is the very most likely scenario.
    If they released everything at once people might just buy one set of armor - if they release them over time, people are much more likely to get the new set that just came out.