Where did 200 Certs come from?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RichardDunn, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. RichardDunn

    Earlier tonight I was lobbing some Prowler rounds at TI Alloys when music started playing. I wasn't able to catch what popped up at the top of the screen because I was in action. After I died I hit tab and discovered whatever I did gave me 200 certifications. Does anyone know what action or achievement would reward one with that amount of certification points?
  2. Fallout10mm

    Auraxium medal for your turret it sounds like. supposed to be 100 certs but its been bugged (in a good way) forever.
  3. FreelancePanic

    It appears to be the new Smedlium medal.

    Too bad no one else was able to get it with other weapons or vehicles since the kill count required could only possibly be farmed with the Prowler.

    (flameshield on)
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  4. RichardDunn

    Thanks for the quick response. I figured it had to do with the Prowler since I was lobbing shots while it occurred. I wish you could view the medals you earned with vehicles weapons. I can only find the infantry related achievements on the stats page.
  5. RichardDunn

    The way the Vanu were storming out of a Sunderer trying to take back the Stronghold earlier today and stacking in a tight group, any tank could have easily farmed ~100 kills. It was pure bliss for 15 straight minutes.
  6. Fallout10mm

    I miss the good old days where you'd see mindless zergs like that. Hopefully once the merger hits this week I will again. And IT SHALL BE GLORIOUS!
  7. Canaris

    those are probably my certs that I dropped..... gimme ;)
  8. SharpLight

  9. GamerOS

    They would have, but with reduced efficency, both the MAg and the VG do the same splash damage with a single shot as the Prowler does with a single shot.
    1000 damage with a radius of 6 (HEAT) or 10 (HE) meters.

    Especially bad for vanguards who got a 4-6 second reload time, so if they don't kill someone with the first round they need to wait long to finish someone off.
    meanwhile the Prowler can finish the enemy of after 0.5 seconds when the second round is ready.

    I think I'm crusading against prowlers today...
  10. Jachim

    Man, have you even tried running as a MBT? There are so many ways to kill MBT's its rediculous. Your claim of Prowler anti-infantry superiority is absurd when put against a properly coordinated group.

    The other tanks need a buff, stop crying for the Prowler to be nerfed.
  11. GamerOS

    I never at any point claimed there needs to be a nerf, I merely stated there was an imbalance and told why I thought that imbalance was there.
    The fact you imidiatly complain I'm whining says more about you then me.

    Nerf prowlers Anti-personnel or buff VG/MAG anti-personal effectiveness I don't care.
    Personally I'm for buffing NC/VS, but that might be more broken (increasing splash damage makes accuracy less important and increasing radius will make cover useless for infantry)
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  12. QuakerOatsMan

    Fortunately for you, you might be able to see exactly what it was in the new player stats page.