Where are my certs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by H0urg1ass, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. H0urg1ass

    ... for leveling?

    Seriously? All we get is some fancy pants title every time we level? They aren't even original... I'm pretty sure that the entire rank system was lifted exactly from CoD 3.

    Why don't we receive increasing amount of certs when we gain a level? You know, like 1 cert for level 2 up to 1000 certs for max level? Honestly, there's really no point to levels at all if they aren't tied to anything tangible.
  2. H0urg1ass

    I'm the only person in this game that thinks we should get something other than a title for leveling up?

    Isn't this the entitlement era? Come on you entitled people, ask what your game can do for you!
  3. Morpholine

    Fancy titles, nifty new decals every level. Unlocks of additional load-out configurations at some tiers. It's not so bad, really.

    Plus you get certs when earning the various medals.