Where are all these cheaters?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Murderin, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Fuse

    There are cheaters, but it's not as bad as the forums make it seem. Any perceived problem tends to snowball on the forums until people are running around yelling that the sky is falling.
    That's why all these people need to stop posting 20 threads a day about it. It's scaring the newbies.
  2. TheMeph

    I saw my first hacker today in Esamir. Guy was running faster than anything possible, and no it wasn't lag. He was freely zigzagging among the troops and vehicles and basically being untouchable with his HA rocket launcher.
  3. Beliskner

    I've played almost 30 hours and haven't run into a single hacker.

    However I have seen lots of people warping around and killing me but I attribute this to server lag.
  4. IshanDeston

    Ever considered that guy is flying a liberator and is shelling the **** out of people from high altitudes?
  5. hsal9

    Never seen a hacker before yesterday too (one that i'm sure about, not just laggy/game derps out situations). Made a NC char on EU Miller and man, in a 10 minute span my squad encountered 3 different ones, 1 TR and 2 VS hackers. TR guy was most hilarious by far, running in circles around us at crazy speed and lining perfect shots while strafing like that lol.

    There are real hacks in this game alright, but that was to be expected. Just would hate to see it get out of control.
  6. tjalfe

    only idiots pay for hacks -_-
    unless its a bot program there is absolutely no reason to pay for it.
    its clear you got no idea how these thing works.

    i am more then diversed within the cheating part of games and i have tested/used my share of hacks in mmo's and fps's.
    some i tested some i used due to the "need to or fall behind" aion is a perfect example of this, you either used rader hack and had alt bot accounts or you got left WAY behind.

    once you know how these thing really works its really easy to spot most of them, there are a very few which is dodgi and you aint sure if they cheat, but these are not the problem and you will never get rid of those.

    i have never said i am awesome, i get owned like crazy.
    and i dont mind getting ***** by good players or better players which happens alot. i mind seeing obvious hack users no matter if its on my side or the enemy side.

    it makes a bad snowball effect which will result in the game never reaching its potential and dying WAY before its time :/

    i would easily be able to use hack myself but i tend to get bored of games within a few hours when cheating, and i find no pleasure in destroying the fun or joy of others, so due to that i would rather just not play then being forced to use hacks to deal with the HUGE amount of hackers in the game.
  7. RoosterNE

    I have encountered so far:
    1 - a guy with a weird name like JPRTFCP using HA appear to insta-gib me from about 250 feet / 100 meters away over and over again, as well as my entire squad. (was ********)
    2 - a guy inside a room being able to "q" spot me from behind a wall over and over again. There were no windows in the section of the room he was in, and I was the only "enemy" in the base at the time.

    Other than those 2 things I haven't seen anything that made me think there was something fishy going on.
  8. wolfva

    I may have run into a handful of hackers so far. Had a guy earlier who was 'teleporting' about 10 feet ahead with every step. So, I aimed my turret where he was going to be and fired. I then mocked him in chat. I mean, it's pretty bad when you have to cheat, but to suck at cheating....<LOL>.

    Of course, that's if he WAS cheating and it wasn't a latency issue that he had nothing to do with. I kinda doubt that though. Anyways, there is cheating, but no where NEAR as much as some people claim. Here's the funny thing though...check the post histories of the people complaining about cheating. The majority of them...that is the ONLY thing they post about. One guy had 10 posts about cheating. Where he, coincidentally, had posted a link to a cheat site in at least one post. I think those people whining the most about hackers are actually hackers trying to drum up business for their scripts.
  9. Oldcoot

    so far I have seen quite a few...mostly the speed hacks and insta-gib from nowhere hack and hopefully it will get resolved...at one point in time it was so bad with PS1 it almost shut it down till they got a handle on it....banning is really not a solution with a F2P game so they will have to come up with a better way to stop it....otherwise people will quit like they did when this was rampant in PS1.
  10. street1314

    I think we need to just stop complaining about it and accept the inevitable. Gamers are getting worse, the hacking community is getting worse, and game developers are focusing on F2P. These things just lead to a hacker heavy gaming environment. Either join in or step aside. Honestly the next step is for games to come out with aimbot/wallhacks built right in!
  11. Eyeklops

    Not sure if I ran into a hacker yesterday or not. I was flying a lib with a reaver aggressing from behind. He took a whole lot of bullets, dropped down to about 1/3 armor, then *poof*, full armor again. Bug? Not sure, reported him anyway.

    There is an engineer bug that fully heals armor instantly, but that would require landing, he didn't. A similar version of the engineer bug maybe could happen with the auto-repair system, but he never went more than about 2~3 seconds before taking damage. I have been playing since first week of closed beta and have never, ever had a bug where my vehicle fully repaired it'self in flight, never.
  12. Chinchy

    Hey I take offence to that, I live in a basement and I'm a degenerate, but man not all of us hack!
  13. Malael

    I've ran into two hackers on the Jaeger server. One named Thelawlessone and the other Iceyyy. These guys I am absolutely sure were cheating. Iceyyy wasn't even attempting to be sly about it, while the other guy attempted to save face.

    As a veteran FPSer I understand the task developers undertake in handling hackers. I wish there was an easy solution... However I believe the best way to handle them is the threat of permanent loss in their paid for e-goods when caught.
  14. Fulkrom

    I have put around 250 hours in over the course of beta and launch never saw anyone I could say 100% was a hacker until yesterday . I saw two flat out hackers (speed/aim-bot), one was TR the other VS. These guys were makin no secret about it, going full Speedy Gonzalez in front of 100's of people on Waterson. Good thing is, they are being so brazen about it that it will more than likely force SOE to come up with a solution sooner, rather than later.
    • Up x 1
  15. SKYeXile

    you can midair repair by bailing clicking repair and since you have the same momentum as your ESF, get back in.
  16. Valeriu

    Just had one light assault kill 6 people whilst jet packing past......if thats not a hack I dont know what is, thats just ********.
  17. CaesarAdolf

    There are clearly hackers in the game, but it is required that there is some ******* ***** who will say "I haven't see any so there isn't any". Yes, you're that ******* guy. You're the dick head who says "it must be your PC" "it must be you". Congrats.
  18. Eyeklops

    I have heard of this, but to do it without breaking pursuit? Come'on man, air show novelties aside, was...not...right. Also, everything has to be near perfect for the momentum of the bailed pilot and the empty ESF to stay aligned.
  19. SKYeXile

    Yea i was the same, like telling myself there is no hackers to reassure myself or something, but after getting sniped by a MAX, everybody is suspect. How do you know if less blatant hackers are using an aimbot or not anyway? you simply dont.
  20. Syhen

    The radar hacks are what bother me. I have been killed numerous times in places I know I can't be seen from and before I fire. Usualy a light assault will jetpack right up to me and kill me. It could be luck but the frequency of it is a little to high to discount hacking.