When will the spiker get nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LIKE A BOSS!, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Hatesphere

    the beamer is an extremely underrated pistol whos overall performance stats are brought down by the fact every VS starts with one. dont you ever take away my beamer!
  2. Pickles112358

    Faction with shotgun MAX complains about PPA...

    Of course people complain, if there wouldn't be complaining there wouldn't be balancing. As for 100 kills i suppose you don't main stalker infiltrator? Or any kind of infiltrator for that matter.

    Not everyone in planetside plays they way you do nor is that the best way. For infiltrators sidearm is actually a big deal.

  4. SpartanPsycho

  5. CorporalClegg

    I almost want to trial the spiker now. It has such a bad reputation that I feel a need to troll for ***** and giggles.
  6. Scorponok

    i have tried it in the VS VR...i was not impressed and you cannot charge it while stealthed so..people will be aware of you before you even fire a full charge...and personally i dont like charge weapons.So when i saw this post i had to laugh..i needed a good laugh ^^
  7. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Most of the issue with the beamer is that for it to be effective you'd have to run a script (which IIRC is a ticket to a ban) to actually fire it at it's ROF. TR gets the script included for free.
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  8. TheAnnoyingGunner

    Oooooooooooh.... My fault, I didn't treat the crossbow as secondary... Yeah, then a bit more, most are knife kills though ;)
    But about the ScatMAX: Take it, I don't want it, I'd be glad if the MAX would vanish entirely, not only it's arms.
  9. ElectricSheepDream

    PPA was a sensitive man.
  10. TheAnnoyingGunner

    Excuse me?
  11. ElectricSheepDream

    PPA went to art school when he was younger.
  12. SerasVic

    Painting every wall with red blood.

    My mouse is bugged and when i click one time it count as 3-5 hits. Should i go VS to go rampage with this gun?
  13. AdeptusAstardes

    Spiker need to be nerfed just because you can kill. Kill a deft AFK BR1 player.
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  14. ATRA_Wampa-One

    You could yeah.