When we start getting long queue's in VR...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tommyp2006, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Tommyp2006

    Can we unlock the 4th continent? That way you don't end up with several hundred people in queue in VR like Emerald has right now.
  2. Phyr

    Upgrade Now!
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  3. Jalek

    Even upgraded you get dumped into VR when logging in. I counted it as a win though when I didn't immediately fall through the world and die like the last two times it happened.
    The member queue for the old, unpopular maps is pretty short at least.
    • Up x 1
  4. Tommyp2006

    Even for Esamir tonight there was a 70 man queue when I logged in at 10, it was longer for Hossin and Amerish, even as a member I was still 7th in queue.