When new LMGs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AdamPA1006, May 10, 2014.

  1. AdamPA1006

    SOE is ******** out ARs daily, us HAs want some new toys and not shield nerfs. Any ideas when? I checked the roadmap and didnt see much about heavies
  2. IamnotAmazing

    This is the first new ar's they've added, on the heavy shield note they're doing it because people whine about whatever kills them because they're bad
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  3. KiwiChieftaiNZ

    No, The HA Shield was to Powerful, I get confused what the HA Is, A Bullet Sponge, or a Damage Dealer?
    if shouldn't excel at both, And that was the problem with the shield, Boom I pressed a button and got atleast 1000+ extra Health, While still having a a gun great at dealing damage.

    it should do one or the other.
  4. z1967

    700 health if you are using nmg. I know it is higher if you use resist however.
  5. hawken is better

  6. DashRendar

    I would have appreciated if they made the HA into a better bullet sponge by buffing the shield while decreasing LMG accuracy across the board, or maybe increasing recoil? Or just decreasing the HA move speed. That way at least HA would have a role of being tanky. It doesn't look like the nerf is going to do that though, will probably just bring HA closer to other classes. That is not a good idea.
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  7. Pikachu

    How do you expect new LMGs to be different from current LMGs and ARs? HA update is propably last on the list and will not come this year.
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  8. Beeman

    I'd rather they put some effort into alternate weapons for our tool slot. Things like backpack-fed weapons, grenade launchers or other such things. A man can dream >_>
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  9. Takoita

    Why? There are quite enough LMG I won't ever equip in my loadout as it is, IMHO.
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  10. Posse

    Funny, because the MAX is a bullet sponge and a damage dealer, while the HA isn't, it has more HP than the rest of the infantry classes, but it's definitely not a bullet sponge. As for damage dealer... carbines and assault rifles have more DPS on average, lol.
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  11. Hibiki54

    If anything they should put out a next generation of Heavy Weapons.
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  12. Aeravic

    I wish they put in more Empire-Specific unique weapons instead of NS or normal weapons. Even the new ARs are just reused models with slightly tweaked looks and stats. Boring! =(
  13. johnway

    i doubt anytime soon. HA was one of the first to get some attention and they got the empire specific heavy weapons (jackhammer, lasher and chaingun) and an NS variant of lmg.

    Oh and we got a couple of nerfs with the resist shield and nanoweave combo and they promise further nerfs along the way. Try and be grateful for that.

    But seriously, i find it difficult to see how they could add more variety to the weapons anymore for LMGS without making everyone quite literally the same or the degrees of separation from each weapon meaningful.

    All factions have a short, medium and long range LMG. Some focusing on other aspects more then other. I can't see any real meaningful changes unless it was special gear or shields. They already have battle rifles ands SMGs to use.
  14. NinjaTurtle

    Me too, more ES though no NS

    I would like any new weapons added to have unique mechanics, reload animations and unique aesthetics rather than the copy paste crap they put out.

    We have enough of all weapons that there is an option for most ranges and scenarios, time to add interesting weapons that work in a unique way even if only slightly.

    Example: (I came up with something on the spot it may or may not be balanced, things could be tweaked)

    VX-69 Celestial
    Designed by Vanu scientists to pierce directly through shields and deal damage directly to health giving an advantage over those injured from combat. Unfortunately due to the high power generated to perform reload speeds are slower than other LMG options due to the battery over heating making it harder to change at speed. Also due to the force applied during firing recoil is noticeably heavier

    72 @10m <--- TTK theoretically 0.63
    63 @ 40m <---- TTK theoretically 0.72
    Short 5.0
    Long 6.3
    Mag size 50/200
    RoF 660

    There we go a unique weapon that against certain targets could have a use and is balanced against being good against everyone because it has a long reload and would have a slightly higher recoil than other LMG options
  15. Goretzu

    All that will happen if they simply put a big delay on NMG/Ad shields is 100% of people will run with Resist Shield.

    They need to redesign both the NMG and Ad shield if they want them to function as only proactive shields (as they are much worse than the Resist shield if used proactively currently).
  16. KnightCole

    LMG for Heavy? I have ideas for the NC and TR, but VS, idk.....got no ideas for them. For the TR, I suppose they want a true ranged LMG. For the NC, I have ideas for a NC-ish powerful CQC weapon basing it roughly off a combo of the Cyclone and EM6. Gently blending both together. TR, my idea was another CQC LMG, which TR dont want...
  17. uhlan

    The last thing this game needs is more frigging useless weapon clutter.

    I realize a lot of folks are bored, but the weapons we have now are so close in performance as to be nearly identical by gun type.

    I know a lot of number crunchers in our midst think that the extra micro-second (or less) change from one weapons spec to another is practically game-breaking :rolleyes:, the truth is that virtually NO ONE can make real use of these things.

    Now sure, there are those folks that can, but that number is so freaking minute, it is practically a given that two of the players on opposing sides will rarely ever meet.

    The major cause of angst is and always will be, client-side hit detection.

    The truth is that there has rarely been a case where something in this game has ever been OP in the hands of the general playing public. Not the Striker, not the ZOE and not even the NC MAX in its heyday over a year ago.

    So go ahead and analyze to your hearts content, go ahead and whine about the imbalance between faction weapon systems causing your tireless efforts at success to come to naught.

    Everything in this game is remarkably balanced, even the items listed above had their counters if only folks actually attempted to play outside the box once in a while.

    People in this game take to ONE class and rarely ever switch to another to get a particular job done. This game relies on people working as a team to be successful.

    So what we have are people constantly trying to find that one wonder weapon to be the cure-all to every ill they experience in game. They try constantly to bend the game to their will and mode of play.

    Since so many refuse to change it up, they are hyper conscious of every detail that changes or even hints at a change to their particular interest.

    Those players that follow the design of the game and morph to suit the conditions are also granted the benefit of learning all the counters and discovering the weaknesses of every weapon system and class to which they belong.
  18. Mxiter

    A 800/125 TR LMG with 0.75 ADS.m.m. for TR certainly.
  19. IamnotAmazing

    ok if you say that then medics should only get a revive tool, engies should only get a repair tool etc etc

    They are meant to kill other classes, they can't revive, give ammo, place turrets, cloak, or fly.

    Just flank or outshoot them(aim for the head)
  20. Zorro

    We already have too many LMGs, just give assault rifles to heavy assault and make the existing LMGs more unique.