When is optimization patch going live?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saval, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. TwwIX

    Once a camel manages to pass through the eye of a needle.
  2. Fox Reinhold

    I implore people to play on the test server more. If you haven't been playing, you can't complain. The more you play, the more data they can obtain.

    Yes, this is the sort of testing that should've been done LAST YEAR when the game was in private Beta and populations were huge, but the past is the past, and all that.
    • Up x 1
  3. Zotamedu

    They just updated the test server with a new version that hopefully took care of a lot of bugs. The performance increase was noticeable before this update, I think they mainly needed to do some stability and crash fixes. I'll try this new build later to see if I still get the strange frame drops that a bunch of players suffered from. A release to live might not be that far off actually.
  4. CowwieStyle

    "What Planetside 2 had a update? never mind im too busy playing bf4.."

    Really they should just release it when its ready and stable no point in competing with bf4 while its users are in their honeymoon phase.
  5. Nocturnal7x

    They should just push it out, minus the BS HUD changes which are horrendous and the biolab changes, also horrendous.

    Its not any more buggy than the crap client we run now. I think at least I can alt+tab the test server client...
  6. Goretzu

    Someone that isn't crashing will be fine.

    Someone that is constantly crashing will just leave (and likely not come back).

    It makes sense for SOE to seriously err on the side of caution with this.
  7. Chipay

    I take it you're European?
    The PS2 team has an event where all the people SOE can miss come online at around 10PM PST every weekday, you can test it then and there.
  8. Villanuk

    Yes that's a fair point actually. Its up to US to help with the game to a certain extent.
  9. DeadliestMoon

    The PS4 is being released on Nov. 15th in the US, so this is not true.
  10. NinjaTurtle

    Where did you get the mid feb bit from?

    I seem to have missed that communication
  11. Armory1416

    If they stick with their third or fourth target date, this week most likely in the next few days. IF is the really big word here.
  12. Deronok

    Thank god.
  13. Pikachu

    It is my estimation.
  14. NinjaTurtle

    Oh ok, just sounded as if news had actually been released
  15. Darkwulf

    When it is done bro.
  16. bdubz4552

    So just because more games (some good, others not *cough cod cough*) people will stop playing others? I dunno about you but I like multiple games...
  17. Pikachu

    Which means either never or after people have stopped caring.
  18. MichaelS

    tonight @4 PST
    it was on higby tweet a few min ago.
  19. Luighseach

    I really hope it goes live this week. It is really smooth for me on PTS and I just hope I get half the frames on live that I am getting on PTS.