When can we expect to see friendly activity in region?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SinerAthin, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. SinerAthin

    Hey guys.

    Any ideas when we might get to see friendly activity in the regions?

    I mean, it's great to be able to see enemy activity in regions, but it would also be awesome to be able to see how our friendly forces were doing/where they were/how many they were, or at least just a squad/platoon count as we currently got with the enemy.

    Right now it's extremely hard to tell if a region is winning, stable, losing, or if it has been completely overrun.

    It's especially annoying when you want to help your faction win, but you often find yourself appearing in fights that have already been won as your zerg is plowing through the enemy, or you arrive at a battle that has been lost and gone beyond any hope of saving.

    And... seeing as we already can see the enemy's activity, it's not too far fetched to be able to see friendly activity as well, no? It'd be no major break of logic :p

    I'd personally love to be able to tell where my friendlies are so, so that I'd better be able to tell where I would be the most needed/the most useful.

    P.S Does anyone know exactly what 'Influence' means? At first I assumed it meant % of forces in the area of the different factions.
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  2. Arkha3

    The issue with being able to see all friendly assets is the enemy being able to see where your assets are, by logging in as the same faction with another computer.
    I too would like to see where the big battles are, but how it is with the "blips" on the map right now are fine by me.
  3. SinerAthin

    Well, they can do that already, by just opening Map and checking Enemy Activity :p
  4. Zitroxious

    Ehh by your logic they can already do this.

    its still one of the things that annoy me besides not being able to spawn at all the bases you own, its stupid that u can know more about the enemy than ur own team, best would be number of allies listed in a hex
  5. ArmedGoose


    Need at least same "quality" of intel as the enemy... as in "friendly squad(s) or platoon(s) detected".
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  6. Arkha3

    I may have missed the point here, I assumed the OP was asking if we could see air/armor/infantry on the map entirely. A little more information in the hex would never hurt, but exact coordinates of assets can aid the enemy with a second computer.
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  7. Dell Conagher

    The only way such a Addition would work is the same way as the enemy activity system. Hell, if it made it into the game, I would like to see platoon vs platoon degrade the color from red to orange or something like that on the newly made "unit activity" setting for the map.
  8. draiocht

    This would be excellent! Sometimes friendly population holds majority on a continent, but heck if I could find them.

    That's the ratio of each faction's neighboring regions. More influence = faster capture.