When can we expect the beta recruit rewards?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Compeer, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Compeer

    "if you achieved Delegate Level (Tier One) or higher, we will grant you the in-game items available at the next highest tier in your primary game."

    Really excited about this as i only ever got the first stage but now with this I can the stage two which means im two guns closer to my black camo!!!

    Anyway dont wanna hassle, BUT any idea when they will be sent out?
  2. FieldMarshall

    I wondering about this aswell.
  3. FieldMarshall

    Asked support a few days ago if they knew when we would get the rewards and this was the reply:


    So, "soon, possibly next week" it looks like.
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  4. Goretzu


    Have they said they'll be availible in any other ways?
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  5. FieldMarshall

    No idea :confused:

    Hope they let people get these things in other ways.
    Seems a shame to let all their work into making these awesome items to go waste. Specially the unique MBT cannon design /drool
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