When as a group of infantry, you are being attacked by multiple ESF

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by anaverageguy, May 4, 2013.

  1. anaverageguy

    FIRE BACK. I know I've made this thread before, I'm making it again. Small arms fire deals significant damage to ESF, so shoot if they're in range and about to attack (usually made obvious when they steady their attack pattern).

    Just this week while fighting on Esamir, I was with a group of infantry. After turning around a ground attack, we proceeded to push out onto mountains.. when some reavers with pods started strafing. However! The people of this group for some reason or other knew to return fire with their weapons!
    Very few reavers made multiple passes and even less completed one, as they either bailed or were shot down with sustained focus fire.

    On the other hand, I realized today that the group mentioned above is still an exception. Most people as I've observed just today still attempt to hide, even when they outnumber single podding ESFs enough to kill with small arms fire.

    TL;DR If an ESF lines itself up for an attack and you spot it, shoot with whatever you've got. Launchers are unnecessary.

    Edit: And use common sense when not part of a group. I know some people will state it.
    • Up x 1
  2. LonelyTerran

    this this
    a 1000 times this
    • Up x 1
  3. phungus420

    Another thing this does that you might not be aware of is that it sounds just like getting hit by a rotary. Every pilot reflexively glances at their health to see how fast the damage is dropping, or often takes evasive action when you hear the damage noise infantry weapons make (if you don't react like that an enemy ESF rotary will kill you pretty much instantly). Often just that sound will be enough to make them disengage, and when wounded or if multiple infantry focus fire the damage is significant (I've been shot down by carbines and LMGs more times then I can count). Last time I checked a full clip of my carv almost had my non composite mosquito on fire, so four LMGs focusing on an ESF should pretty much kill it quicker then the pilot can react.
  4. LightningWolfTigrBer

    This. I've noticed more people shooting their small arms at aircraft, but it's still pretty uncommon. They do a lot more damage than you might think, and even a lone infantry can do a significant amount of damage to an ESF with only a carbine. There'd probably be less complaints about "lolpodding" if people actually started shooting back.
  5. AltF4Fun

    When i see a group of lolpodders i always think about that planetside 2 trailer.You know where the light assault jumps on the plane and starts fireing trough the window.Could be a balance problem,but it would feel like an actual chance when you meet a hoverspammer alone.